Friday, December 02, 2011

Favourite Things Friday

Another week almost done. On Monday it felt like Friday would never get here. I've had a flat out kind of week and I'm so glad  the weekend is almost here. And I cant wait to see your favourites for this week.

When we renovated the kitchen last year (who can forget the horror of the  kitchen renovation that went on forever -  I'm still in therapy which has now officially cost me more than the kitchen did ) I wanted a few  quirky accent pieces for the benches, walls and top of the fridge.. I looked and looked for the right bits and bobs and found everything I wanted except for a metal perpetual calendar. They seem to be as rare as hens teeth here. 

Out shopping with Miss P last week I finally found one. And even better it was a bargain price.  Totally doing the happy dance here and it's my favourite thing this week. 

This may just be the shortest FTF post I've ever done. Being time poor this week time saving is also a favourite !

Hit me with YOUR favourites for this week. 


  1. Here's hoping you gain some time! Love your calendar. Where did you hang it? You've given me an idea. Thanks for the inspiration! I'll let you know if my thought turns into something crafty. ☺

  2. I would never in a million years remember to change the date each morning. The calendar is supposed to tell me the date, boy vice versa! But very pleased you are so happy with it. Just don't send me one for Christmas! ;-)

  3. How did my 'not' get switched to boy in the previuos comment?

  4. Oooh, fun - I want to see where you hang it up - no pressure...

  5. Cool calendar -- BUT I would really get confused! Thanks for hosting! Have a great weekend!

  6. Love the vintage-y look of that calendar.

  7. So cute! Glad you found one you like. Also very happy your blog is working again. Wonder what happened earlier?

  8. What a gorgeous it!

  9. I love it...really gorgeous. Worth the wait.

  10. Nice Calendar, I have one of those calendar frames for my calendar but I haven't had one to fit for a couple of years, but this year I picked one up from Hetties so I will be right for 2012.

  11. That's so pretty and I can't believe you got it for such a bargain. Way to go!

  12. Love your calendar and its sweet vintage vibe!

    Happy Weekend!


  13. Love the calender, very cute. I'd never remember to change the date. I'm usually looking at the calender so I can't determine the date.

    Hope your weekend is restful and relaxing.

  14. that Larri is just an over-achiever, isn't she? :)

    love your calendar! Even better that you found it at a great price.

    hope you enjoyed your friday - have a great weekend. I posted my fudge recipe, just for you!!!

  15. Oh, it is wonderful! Bargains are the icing on the cake, and I know how much you like icing...Happy weekend to you!

  16. I rely on my watch to tell me the date - I don't know how I ever managed without it. I think i just incessantly asked people what it was.

    Are you missing a square already? Is that why it was a bargain price? If so, get one of those photo-printing magnet sheets and chop yourself out a square; some old scissors should cut through it.

    That said, my watch doesn't tell me the month either, fortunately that bit I can usually remember :)

  17. Very pretty calendar. Looks like you find is perfect.

  18. Very sweet calendar! I What a great find!

  19. Pretty and inexpensive? That is my kind of find! Love how cute that is!

    xo -E

  20. Oh no, Now you have a calendar you can see that I'm commenting on your Friday post on Sunday. Better late than never! I'm loving your new calendar!! and wonderful that it was a bargain too! It was meant to be.


Thanks for taking the time to leave some comment love. Drop by and visit again sometime.