Friday, November 04, 2011

Favourite Things Friday

I went back  to work on Monday hence the absence of posting from moi.  One of the problems with having a job is that they expect you to turn up and actually do things so you can get paid. And work stuff aside it's been a challenging week and I've spent a fair amount of time ruminating on life, current events and planning and implementing some significant changes in my personal/home life. 

And now it's Friday and that means it's time for me to pony up about my favourite thing for this week. Due to the aforementioned crappy week , I felt like the teacher announced "Pop Quiz " and I was totally unprepared. Initial panic set in when  I wasn't sure I could even dredge up a Favourite for this week. (I really need to have a back up post for weeks like this....)

Thank Goodness for that flash of inspiration on Thursday at lunchtime. Do you ever have brilliant inspirational ideas and act on them immediately? I had one of those yesterday  and ten hours later it was a done deal. That was my favourite thing this week. Quick change that worked out exactly the way I planned it in my head and instantly made me feel better. I think I may have  caught Spring Fever (albeit two months late ) because all of a sudden I'm interested in feathering my little nest again. 

So yesterday after work I was a woman on a mission to make this room look as different as possible because it was looking kinda daggy and tired which is exactly how I've been feeling this week too.  

First stop -Every.Single.Store. at the Plaza in search of the perfect quilt cover , which I finally found at Myer. On sale, which meant it was still expensive but I didn't have to re-mortgage the house.  

Add in some new cushions, new pillows, new pillowcases and lamp shades. I actually slept in this bed last night instead of my usual trick of crashing out on the lounge. ( I just realised how grotty my curtains look so maybe I'll replace them too!) 

Stay tuned for more transformations because I'm on a roll people. There's no stopping me now. The lounge will be getting makeover this weekend too. I need more colour in my life. 

If you'd like to share something that's coloured up your life this week and given you a flash of happy feel free to link up and tell us all about it.


  1. It's Amazing what a MakeOver in your Home can do for Your Spirits...
    Your New Room looks Beautiful...
    have Fun with the Next One..

  2. Huge difference Shay. It looks really lovely and so fresh and inviting and its thrilling to know that you actually slept in the bed instead of the couch too.

  3. Ah ha a touch of delayed spring fever! As I write this I am looking around our lounge thinking it is time to hang the summer quilt and change the knee quilts to something lighter brighter and more spring/summer.
    Your make over looks great!

  4. Very pretty Shay. I love the soft blue, it perks up the room immediately.

    Hope your weekend helps you recovery from your crappy week. I will be looking forward to seeing your next mood enhancement project!

  5. It's lovely! The colors are very calming and pretty. I've been thinking of new curtains in the living room lately, but far be it from me to take any action without the proper amount of overthinking and procrastination having occurred. Kudos to you for acting on your idea immediately! Bottle that and sell me some, would you?

  6. Blue is my favorite :) I love it, makes me want to go have a nap! And the lamp shades make a 100% difference. You are well on your way!

  7. A make over is always fun! Are you going to do some painting too?

  8. It looks so fresh and pretty! Im surprised you dont have a handmade quilt on your bed though - you will have to make one ( good excuse to buy more fabric - not that you need to youve only got 219.5 YARDS!!! )

    Have fun in the lounge room, cant wait to see pics!


  9. I'm kind of nervous to hear about changes in your personal life - hope you're doing okay.

    I think I've got fall fever, but we just spent close to $1000 on fixing our vehicle - so I'll have to be creative, very cheaply! :)

    I love your new look. It is totally amazing what just a few changes have done - it looks like a hotel room, in a good way.

    Thanks for sharing - you have a great eye for design!

  10. Stopping at every single shop is always good therapy for the blahs! Your bedroom looks lovely, I love the blanket on the end of the bed but as I have a cat who sleeps on the bed and 3 boys in this house white is a no-go for me. Have a great weekend shopping :-)

  11. Gorgeous make-over, Shay! Love the colors you picked. So calm and soothing. Did you enjoy your sleep? I so hope you got to sleep in the bed instead of your chair!

    PS...Who makes the bed in your family? We have a rule...last one out has to make the bed. ☺

    Happy Friday night!

  12. I love to just change things up. Your room looks cute.

  13. Looking very swish. I always love how pillows and cushions look arrange like that but in real life they drive me mad. I can't be bothered making my bed half the time so they would just end up on the floor. Even in hotels, unless they do a turn down service I never know where to put them all!

  14. Funny how you don't notice how dull and boring things are looking around the house. Love the new look, but I too am surprised you don't have a beautiful quilt on the bed.

  15. My curtains are a hideous burnt orange velour. Yours are much nicer.

  16. Oh hell, just done my post and forgot it was Friday. Bugger! Well I can still read everyone else's FTFs. Love what you did to your bed, but love the actual bed as well. I am going to live like a grown up some day - maybe!

  17. Oooh, I love it! I know what you mean, it really does help lift a mood doesn't it? I can't wait to be able to do some stuff like that in the near future!

  18. the "new" bedroom looks great....tell me you haven't started this makeover just because we are all coming to visit you soon....!

  19. ..oh....and you also get points for bravery walking through the door to the Plaza...LOL..I avoid shopping centres like the plague....hence not only my house's daggy look but mine!!

  20. ..oh....and you also get points for bravery walking through the door to the Plaza...LOL..I avoid shopping centres like the plague....hence not only my house's daggy look but mine!!

  21. Oh I love your bed, I would swap mine in a heart beat for yours, I always wanted a sleigh bed. Did you have nice dreams in the new quilt cover or did you just feel like a princess? Both I hope. Nothing beats a quick makeover does it. Nearly as good as cutting the lawns

  22. Fresh new linens always brighten up a room! Very warm weatherish looking--hope you are getting lots of sun coming through the windows to lift your mood even more. Can't wait to see what you do to the rest of the place!

  23. I absolutely love your bedroom makeover. I'm sure I've seen something similar somewhere recently and it looked fabulous, as does yours.
    It's nice to have a fresh new look to brighten up your room, and doubly good if you get the items on sale.
    I keep on forgetting you have a sleigh bed too, we must be twins.

  24. Your bedroom is lovely and could be a feature in a homey magazine.

  25. LOve the new look Shay,must be that time of year as I also am in this mode I took a car load of stuff to the op-shop this week and next on the hit list is the kitchen which is depressing me greatly....onward and upward I say :) Barb.

  26. Love the mini make over - the new colours look lovely.
    Hope work is not too arduous this week.
    Enjoy the new bedroom.

  27. That's a bummer about the job thing and one of the reasons I don't have a job probably. Not sure I'd have time to turn up. I'm kinda busy her with my sewing!

    Love the makeover. I too am impressed with your trip to the plaza. I only ever used to go there on Mondays or Tuesdays cause there were too many people there any other time! Even when I lived just around the corner!

    Looking forward to seeing the new colour in your life!

  28. L.O.V.E. the makeover! What a little chamber of love. :o) You know...I'm going to have to hop on the Favorite Things Friday band wagon. That surely would help me at looking towards a more positive side of life. Your bedroom really is beautiful!

  29. You BOUGHT a quil?!? Quel horreur or however the french say it. Just discovered this blog. Are you in Perth? I am with you on the fabric prices and vegemite.

  30. Job well done! Blue is a peaceful color, and perfect for the bedroom. I like the change.

    I've had an ickky week too. Here's to a better one now for both of us!

  31. Oh! Love the colors! What a great makeover.

    Also, I've been feeling not myself the last, hmm, I'm not sure how long, so I can relate. Back-up posts would have been a good thing for me last week.

    xo -E


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