Friday, July 08, 2011

Favourite Things Friday-The Delayed Edition

It's been a completely insane week at Maison Pyjamas.  I haven't been around at all  to comment on and visit your blogs or even respond to email. I fully intended to write an FTF post this evening based on my day today and I've just realised I'm halfway through and it sounds like I'm talking swahili. Which would be kick arse awesome if any of you spoke swahili but I'm pretty sure none of you do.

Sometimes I take on too much. Sometimes I over estimate my ability to juggle 10 things at once.  It's simply not possible to work fulltime, have people over for dinner Monday and Tuesday , go out for dinner Wednesday , have your parents arrive to stay one day early on Wednesday, cook, clean, shop , make sure you know where you've hidden your clean undies, generally live life and still manage to blog when you're organising an emergency banquet dinner for your entire family  at your house for your father's 70th birthday on the same day you're hosting High Tea because your Dad had a surgical procedure yesterday that rendered the idea of the family going out to celebrate his birthday completely untenable. It would appear that there are limits to even my endurance. 

All of this is my waffly way of apologising for not having a FTF post  for you this week. For not being around to comment on your posts and for not being a great blog buddy this week. For not responding to your emails  ( Hey Kristie - go easy on that chocolate babe) and in general being a very unexciting blogger. Sometimes life happens. And it's completely out of my control.

I'll be back on Sunday with my High Tea Post. I'm so looking forward to sitting round with a cuppa tomorrow and scoffing down some  lots of cake. I've conned Sister Of Pyjamas into bringing her famous scones. I'm seriously thinking about having them scientifically analysed so I know how to make them - they're that good and she wont share the recipe. I hope you'll find time to join me and show me what High Tea looks like at your place.


PS. On the up side now you know I keep FTF totally real. It's not written in advance. I don't have back up posts that I've polished and made deliberately funny and honed and crafted. Surely that's got to earn me some brownie points right?


  1. one day at a time mrs. p, one day at a time.....i'm exhausted just reading about you!

    take care of you too!!!

  2. I was running out of breath just reading your post. No apologies are necessary as it is your blog and you chose when to post or not and sometimes life just gets in our way. Hope you get some down time to relax soon.
    Michelle xx

  3. Mshoeywoahg!....this translates to "hang in there!" through a mouth full of chocolate ;)

  4. Was wondering what happened to you! Glad all is well and it's just that you were busy! Oh, the days! We haven't had many of those kinds of weeks in a while, but I have a feeling they're coming up soon with four grandbabies on the way, a 50th anniversary party, a baby shower and four baptisms, all inbetween holidays! Sometimes you just have to go with the flow and let other things sit a bit... Have a great weekend!

  5. Deep breaths...Inhale...Exhale...Ahh! Hoping your Friday evening has slowed enough for you to enjoy your family. Looking forward to your High Tea post. Littlegirl and I are planning ours for this afternoon when the boys leave for sleepover w/friends. ☺ DH has no idea he's about to don a flowered hat and feather boa. LOL

    Happy Friday night!

  6. Some weeks stuff just happens, unfortunately this was your week. Thanks for posting, I was a bit concerned, I had several excuses worked out as to why you hadn't posted FTF such as a car accident, emergency trip to the hospital, or the mojo stealing gremlins had finally kidanpped you since stealing trying to steal your mojo wasn't working. Very glad it was just typical family madness. (Yes it's Friday, I'm off work and obvisouly need to be!).

    Hope you get a chance to catch your breath over the weekend!

  7. Obviously I can't read and type today either!

  8. Oooh I forgot about High Tea, I'd better go and hunt up a nice china set for the occasion. Glad you were just busy and not sick. I found that i was rushing just reading your post! LOL :-)

  9. Wowee! You have been busy. It makes me tired just reading about it. Hope things settle down for you soon.

  10. As usual, I'm late to the game and everyone has said what I was going to .. glad everything is okay. Hope the weekend gives you time to relax. would love to hear about your father's 70th .. hope you're getting some zzzzz about now.

  11. I know how exciting we bloggers are - but family is what really counts and even though family is seldom convenient, it's so important - good for you for prioritizing fabulously (even though blogging is pretty dang fun). Maybe you could say family is your favorite thing this Friday?

  12. So, sounds to me like your favorite thing this week is your ability to juggle all that you have juggled. Good on ya'. Enjoy your tea and if you get the scone recipe, share please. Lane

  13. Whew! I'm glad I wasn't you this week! I just moved to the lake! No company and nothing to think for Sunday I shall have had time to think of something neat, I only hope.
    Take things slow, it's summer....oh...that's's winter in Aussie land! Chill out!

  14. Wow, I haven't had a week like that in a long time. Sit and drink something enjoyable just for a minute, then resume insanity. MMMMM you said Brownies!!!!!

  15. Sounds like you were juggling enough balls without adding another one - hope things are a lot less frenzied this week. Remember to keep breathing some where in all the activity. Much love, Shell x

  16. Don't forget to breathe! Life gets in the way sometimes. No one is going to be disappointed because you missed a post or two. We will miss you but understand completely. And you have earned your cake and then some for your High Tea. (Maybe you can spike your tea?!)

  17. Wow, I am out of breath just reading your post. Too bad I don´t drink tea...maybe I can join in with some cake and Coke?

  18. I sister won't share the recipe, keep bugging her to make them for you - daily, and she'll get the message.
    Hang in there kiddo, life will get back to normal soon.

  19. I would have thought you would have learned from my recent bout of internet absenteeism. Hope your life starts settling down soon so we can have your wit all to ourselves.

  20. Sometimes life just gets in the way! Happy Birthday to you Dad!


  21. PLEASE tell me you found the clean undies!!!! :o) Take care, breathe's all good! xoxo

  22. I've a week like your .....don't we all some time or other. Trish

  23. So glad you survived all that eating - with yet more to come by the sound of it.
    Intrigued why you need to hide the clean undies??
    Enjoy the tea and cakes - oh and the company.

  24. Had an email all typed up just to make sure you were alive, then decided if you were that busy not to blog you would be too busy answer stupid emails. Actually I am tired reading your post didn't have a FTF thought up anyway. Hope you are having a lovely high tea this afternoon, after seeing photo's of myself on the internet this week at IS I don't think I need to even think about High Tea let alone go to one. Diet starts tomorrow.

  25. I think you should make your self a cape, and wear your undies on the outside. Well done and kudos to you for even blogging at all this weekend. I hope your dad has a great 70th birthday. Stacey

  26. I have had to have a lie down after reading your post. Phew you sure were busy.
    I also would like to know why you are hiding clean undies?
    Happy Birthday to Father of Pyjamas. Hope he's feeling a lot better.

  27. You do not have to say your sorry I have had two week like that at the hospital most of the time with my dad. But he is starting to get better now.

  28. Holy cow, take it easy, there Pyjamas. Pace yourself. I do not believe there is a scone recipe in your sister's possession. I think she bought those scones and told you she made them. Yup. You can tell I said that. Becasue you are supposed to SHARE with your sister, Sister of Pyjamas. Thems the rules. Put y's in all the funny places you want and use an s instead of a z if you want, but sharing among sisters is a universal rule. Don't hit me SOP. I'm just stirring things up for fun.

  29. I'd been thinking of you and figuring you'd had a hellish week or something. Take care, and I'm looking forward to tea. Hope you have gotten a chance to sit for a while and enjoy.

  30. Hey Shay,

    Believe me, I understand about life getting in the way of blog writing and blog reading. Here's hoping next week will be a bit calmer for you.

  31. You may be many things, but an "unexciting blogger" ain't one of them!


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