Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thank Goodness

It feels so wrong that I'm so grateful Blogger is fixed...but I am. Thank you Blogger Team for running around feverishly getting everything back to normal.  I had images of Blogger headquarters looking like the control tower of an airport in emergency crisis yesterday. And while I was locked out - along with every one else-I reminded myself that in the grand scheme of things this really was only a minor inconvenience, and that there are still people going hungry in the world, and that world peace hasn't been achieved and so a Blogger snafu isn't actually the tragedy I  kept thinking it was.

Blogger also decided earlier in the week it hated selected Australians , South Africans and Malaysians and wouldn't let me in for another 24 hours on and off it hasn't been a prolific posting week. FTF will be back next week because it feels like cheating to post FTF on a Saturday.

You would think that with no Blogger to distract me I would have managed to get  a ton done. I'm hoping that a 90 minute Nanna nap and watching 4 episodes of Melrose Place along with a couple of hours of sewing counts as productivity.

Yesterday I squared up the rest of the blocks for the Zig Zag Quilt and laid it out in this pattern and then started sewing the rows together. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that when I try to sew the rows together they'll all match up but I'm not convinced yet. I do like the quilt though. I'm always happy when I work with bright colours.

It's going to be on the smallish side  but it'll make a great lap quilt for a little girl. And I guess if I really want to I can add a border. Goodness knows I have enough of that fabric left over...

I'm hoping to get  lots of things done this weekend, including a quilt finish so I'm out of here. I hope your weekend is amazingly creative.


  1. Love the pattern! Look forward to seeing it when you've got it all together! Good luck on matching the seams, I know what you mean... triangles can be tricky when you are putting them together side by side in rows.

  2. i agree blogger being down isn't a huge deal in the grand scheme of things though it did annoy me. your zig zag quilt looks great! i'm with you & love bright colours.

  3. OOOH that looks scrummy going to be a nice quilt.

  4. Great quilt, love all the brights. I miss FTF, but you are right, Blogger being down was an annoyance but not a tragedy.

    Hope the quitling mojo returns this weeekend. Have a good one.

  5. Bugger about Blogger but I know how you feel. Those weeks when life doesn't allow me to be on, I feel like there's a chunk missing from my day. It's quite sad, isn't it?

    I am loving the quilt and bright colors. You just have to be happy with those!

  6. Same, same, same, same! (Grateful for blogger's return) I had no access for a couple of days too. Glad you are off finishing something. It makes me feel that all is right with the world. SOMEONE is finishing something!

  7. The zigzag is gorgeous! i love the technique you have used - strips instead of triangles? very clever , it looks beautiful!

    i was experiencing a few withdrawals too! hopefully its all back to normal!

  8. Blogger is not completely fixed. My Wednesday post is still missing as is my poll. I'm a little ticked because it was a really long post on Wednesday that I stayed up late to finish. Blogger started giving me problems when I was trying to post it, so I copied the HTML code and pasted it into a Word Document. Blogger came up long enough for me to post for Wednesday and Thursday. Both posts were still there while Blogger was in read-only, but it is gone now and I did not save the HTML document. Oh, and all my comments on my Thursday post have gone missing too. But this isn't about me. It is about you.

    Your zig-zag quilt is AWESOME! I love the colors and fabrics. Also, I have been taking Nanna naps for years and it doesn't doesn't mean a thing. Good luck getting everything you want done this weekend. It is Friday night and I have a list of things as long as my arm to get done before I can start sewing.

    xo -E

  9. The zig zag quilt is really pretty! I love your choice of colors. Very bright and full of life,

    Blogger was down for me also! The Baby is home, so I wasn't too worried about not posting!

  10. cool, cool, cool! fun bright colored zig-zag!


  11. I didn't know until yesterday that there was a problem with Blogger--call me "out of the loop", but I wondered why I was getting so few comments. Unfortunately nothing quilty has happened this week, been too tired at night to do more than flip through mags and try to decide on a quilting motif for quilt du jour, the Kitchen Sink quilt.

    Love the zig zag! I have a smaller sized throw in mind too, and have fabrics set aside already. Gad, my list is never going to get any shorter!

  12. Fun, fun; makes me want to try another zig-zag quilt! After trying one the triangle way- I'm ready to go back to this way. Even if it does waste a little bit of fabric, you always get nice points!

  13. Love the zig-zag quilt .. you're right about blogger .. in the big scheme of things .. thanks for the perspective.

  14. Well if AnnieO is out of the loop then I am out of the hulahoop as I didn't even know blogger had been down! I'm glad it's back though so you could share your zigzag quilt cos it's fantastic.

  15. Ooh pretty - that'll all match up nicely you'll see.

    Having blogger not play nice was very inconvenient. I just think it is funny that I have comments in my inbox which do not appear on the post. Guess he can't fix everything at the same time!

    have a fabulously productive weekend.

  16. I love the zigzag quilt. It's so pretty. I don't think i qualify as a little girl though, Bugger! I must be the only one that was mildly happy that Blogger was broken, as I couldn't post anyway as I am scanning around on the Gold Coast having a lovely weekend away.

  17. I thought I was going to get a lot done as well BUT then I got on Facebook.....

    Lovely quilt, that would do my brain in trying to match up all those lines!

  18. Shay, I love this one! ( and this is one that lives in MY 'naughty corner'!) What an inspiration, I really love how you placed the colours, well done! ( and thanks for making me feel so great- I was so busy this week I didn't even know Blogger was on the fritz!) :)

  19. Wow! I missed the whole Blogger snafu while I was out of town. Eke!

    What a cool zig-zag quilt. :-)

  20. very modern - love it! I think it would look good draped over a chair in your guest bedroom.....

    I'm glad blogger is fixed, too - and it's pretty crazy how they could retrieve all of our posts that we all thought were long gone - wonder if it was wordpress trying to steal participants?

  21. I'm really lovin' this zig zag. Lots of nice bright colors.


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