Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Gadgets, Bargains and Fabric

Naturally a girly weekend wouldn't be complete without some form of shopping.  One of us did so much in fact that purchases had to be posted home in order to avoid excess baggage. Guess who?

Before Little Miss Sunshine arrived, I expressed a wish to learn to crochet while she was here. When she arrived she presented me with this gift. I think she was being incredibly optimistic or possibly practicing blind faith.

It says 20 easy projects on the front cover.  Let me say with the benefit of hindsight  -that's bullcrap.

But before I knew that I raced out and bought these because I believed a granny square blanket would be easy. It said so right there on the cover. Aren't those yarns pretty? In fact they look so pretty I'm thinking of leaving them like that forever and putting them in a basket with crochet hooks somewhere highly visible so it gives the illusion that I know what I'm doing.

Unusually for me , I resisted buying a jelly roll in these fabrics and just stuck with  the fat 8ths and coordinates. As you'll see later -that was fate.This is the the Pom Pom De Paris collection . Not my usual fare are they? Man , I'm hoping this doesn't end in disaster like the pastel quilts I've attempted. I have no idea what I'm going to do with it - any suggestions?

A fantastic quilt store has just opened up 5 minutes from my house called A Quilters Odyssey. The weekend wouldn't have been complete without a trip to at least one other quilt store.  They sell some pretty fabrics including these pieces which didn't cost me much and are perfect stash builders. Notice those girly bits on the bottom left ? Again , I ask,  what was I thinking?

Since I'm as classy as all get up, my threads have formerly been stored in ziplock bags like this...

I lashed out and bought one of these....makes it look much more like I actually know what I'm doing.  

It's OK don't panic - my black and white threads still live in this little old lady op shop tin.

 And I bought one of these too....which is just about the best invention ever. You should all rush out and buy one so I can kid myself I'm a trend setter.

We did pop into a couple of op shops Monday and I found this.  How fast can you say "quilt backing"? Probably about as fast as I snaffled this up- elbowing two German tourists and a little old lady out of the way to get to it .  I'll get at least two backs out of this and it'll be perfect for one of Little P's quilts. Crazy bargain. According to Sara's theory of fabric logic (which is a universally recognised theory just like Newton's Law of Gravity) this doesn't count as actual fabric because it's a doona cover.

And I found this  too  and thought it would be great to work into a quilt border or something  at some stage. It's the bottom of a linen dress and there's 40 inches of it and I can use the white linen dress part for a cushion front or something. Not bad for a buck.

And I acquired these two jelly rolls as well...this one was a gift from a friend. That's the bit that was fate because it's Pom Pom De Paris to go with my weekend purchases. Sometimes the planets do align.

And I bought this Lilac Hill fabric just because it was pretty-the more I look at it the more I love it. Again -I'm clueless about what it will end up as...oh the possibilities!

And I was totally kidding about leaving my yarn in balls...Marg actually taught me how to do crochet  while she was here. She uses aversive teaching techniques which helped me learn really fast because she threatened to slap me every time I made a mistake.. So I learned really fast that I can do it !

Mr. P and I will be living on two minute noodles and dry bread for the next two weeks. I really need to get a second job since I cannot stop buying craft related paraphernalia....anyone want to hire me?  

P.S.  Haven't touched the crochet since Little Miss Sunshine left. I'm thinking about unpicking it and knitting a scarf. I can knit proficiently. Or perhaps I should do some more of those poor neglected stitcheries. Or start my paper piecing blocks. Or finish the zig zag quilt....


  1. A true crafter has the attention span of a gnat. Therefore they need to have many projects to avoid boredom. I got sick of my stitching and crocheted today. It was fun!

  2. Sweet, I've always wanted a theory of my own. I'll have to write it up proper one day, maybe as a pocket reference guide? Perhaps "20 ways in which the quilting fabric you just bought doesn't count" or "Ways to justify your fabric addiction to yourself, if not your husband"

  3. Oh, I love crochet more than knitting. I say stick with it - before long, you'll have the crochet addiction to add to your list. And I'm with Kris, "a true crafter has the attention span of a gnat." And hey - saw you are a new follower to my blog. Thanks for signing up! I now have 12 followers. Too cool.

  4. Haha I have the exact same problem! I try to get around it by doing this: knitting and crochet are what you do in front of the television when there's something good on. Or when your back hurts from cutting too much fabric. Sewing is what you doing all the rest of the time! :)

  5. I love Kris' Theory about crafters having the attention span of a gnat. I subscribe to that theory.

    Hey! I know how to crochet. If you want to have a crochet-along to get those granny squares going, let me know. :o)

    I love all your purchases, and since I haven't even touched the Punctuation jelly roll since last we spoke; I have no idea what to tell you to do with your new fabric. ;o)

    Happy Wednesday night! :o)

  6. I could definitely use some help! Come live with me in the US and I'll put you to work cutting out baby clothes! :)

  7. Amen, from another one with the attention span of a gnat. I was thinking of doing a post about the status of all my unfinished projects, but in the time it would take to do that, I could probably make a dent in finishing one of them, so meh...

    Anyway, your crocheting looks brilliant from my vantage point. I know there's a funny crack about a hooker just waiting for me to think it through, but my gnat's attention span won't let me at present.

    Love the fabrics! Also loved your recap yesterday, which I read with great amusement and enjoyment, intending to come back and comment later. Instead I watched TV and had a beer and that was the end of anything meaningful for the rest of the evening.

  8. Such a lot of loveliness. And no, I have no idea what you're going to make out of all that pretty pastelishness you bought--so do tell when you figure it out (pillowcases just popped into my head). I have crocheted and knitted in the past but can't afford to have more than one all-consuming hobby at a time so I'm sticking to quilting! Have fun eating dry bread and 2 minute noodles while you pet your pretty fabrics and play with yarn. And I have one of those bobbin thingies and love it!

  9. Love your I HAVE to come to Australia one day..seems to me as though the US and Australia are quilters heaven...I wish I would have just ONE of those stores here.
    Your crochet looks really good. I cannot do that, mine always ends up totally crooked. And about having another hobby..hey that is the only way to stay open need to extend to the limits, don´t you?:-)

  10. Nice collection..stay with crocheting..I didn't and wish I had..

    Eat well next month...

  11. I bought a few pieces of the pom-pom de paris fabric and am designing a quilt to use it in. I'm glad to share if you like it. We'll know in a couple of weeks. I have a thread box like yours and have learned that I hate it because it's never where I need it to be and always has something stacked on it. But, the bobbin holder is a godsend. Enjoy crochet. I love it, even though I don't get to it very often. So many crafts, so little time. Lane

  12. The fabrics and finds are beautiful and show what a great time you had with Little Miss Sunshine. I think since you weren't the one who had to ship fabric home, that you showed a great deal of restraint.

    Maybe the rest of this month should be Abstemious Grocery April ..

    Sara's Theory of Fabric Logic is the only way to go. We all know how good she is with math ..

    I've tried to teach several people to crochet and none of them were able to do as much as you did so quickly. You're a natural. Personally I prefer knitting to crocheting, but I prefer quilting to both.

  13. Your crocheting appears to be coming along quite well, with no tension problems. I've been crocheting for most of my life - and still love it - all except for pulling in the ends when I'm done, of course. ;-)

  14. I think you're too hard on yourself. Your crochet looks really good (much better than I can do; I did not inherit the crochet gene). And I love how things come together, like with the Pom Pom de Paris jellyroll and the pieces you bought. Can't wait to see what you make with it.

    I'm really exhausted just reading about all of your fabulous adventures, and just a teeny bit jealous of Marg because she lives so close.

    xo -El

  15. I'm tired just reading all this. What a human dynamo you are! You certainly have lots to do and knowing you it will be done done in no time. Sounds like you had a lovely time. Isn't blogging great!?

  16. Great op shop buys! Crocheting is not difficult, I taught myself more years ago than I can those days (a thousand years ago) only a very small number of little old ladies knew how to crochet lace edges around doyleys, and no one else knew how to crochet.

  17. Wow, your purchases look positively delicious! Jealous...

  18. Wow, your crochet looks fantastic! you should stick with it maybe you can crochet Mr P a tea cosy to keep his head warm since winter's coming up. Nice bundles of fabric too , im so jealous youve got a quilt shop so close by, hit them up for a job!

  19. Wow! Great stuff! Love all the bright yarns.

  20. I think your idea for a basket full of colorful yarn would be a great home decor accessory :) You're going to make me start looking for Pom Pom de Paris now, aren't you?

  21. Love the yarn - Look forward to seeing some more granny squares here soon.

    Pretty fabrics - what is that about??
    Great oppy bargains.

  22. Shay,
    You are a wonder! My head is spinning from reading of your adventures. My day has begun with a smile, thank you.
    I bought a Pom Pom de Paris jelly roll a month ago and even though the colours are not my usual choices, I love it. It will become a quilt to remind "Himself" and me of a wonderful two weeks that we spent in France in 2007. We laughed, bickered, laughed some more and even spent two nights in a convent during our amazing adventure. It was magical.
    Helen (Nanci's P.T.)

  23. I thought you were living on two minute noodles because you had caught the crochet bug!! Guess Not :-) That bobbin holder is pretty cool....I'm going to Spotlight tomorrow.....

  24. Don't you dare give up on that crocheting, it looks gorgeous. But that doesn't mean you should give up your quilting projects as well if you were to progress with the crocheting because you can have it all. I have my finger in every pie so I should know, it just means you will have some (maybe lots) more UFO's.
    Hugs Karin.

  25. I thought the aversive technique was working quite well, look how much you did in one very short evening!
    I loved all your purchases, and it was just a pity I couldn't fit that thread box in my suitcase as I would have bought one, and that you bought the last bobbin holder too so I couldn't get my mitts on one!
    You failed to mention that you tripped me up before you elbowed the tourists so that I couldn't get to the doona cover either. I'm not sure whether you play fair in ops shops, next time I'm wearing protective padding and clothing when I go op shopping with you!
    I love your fabric purchases, the Pom Pom de Paris is very pretty, and I love the colours in the Lilac Hill jelly roll.

  26. Well, if you buy a new Janome with a bobbin winder, a stitch cutter, needle down, you won't need umpteen bobbins as the machine does it so quickly that one doesn't need so many bobbins.
    I knit socks. keeps the tootsies in the winter months which is coming sooner than you think. Knit socks!

  27. love all of your finds - love the new quilt backing, and it's so interesting to find out that it doesn't qualify for your yearly challenge!

    I don't know anyone that can crochet, I always thought knitting seemed hard - I think I tried it for a couple minutes one time.

    Can't wait to see what fabulous things you make from your new purchases!

    Still waiting to see pictures of you and Marg - word on the street is that she doesn't have any on her camera - please don't let us all down!

  28. Carry on hooking babe! No, not rude, crochet!

    And just think if I had saved my pennies and come to Adelaide for my cousins wedding which is happening this weekend I could have joined you in the madness.

    But then, I'm a good girl and never get arrested so would have been a party pooper!

  29. When you said Jelly Roll, I thought...well, we all know what I thought. Now I want some. Sounds like a fun week and you sure did learn Crocheting quickly. Marge's techniques are obviously very effective or possibly you are a crocheting prodigy.


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