Friday, April 01, 2011

Favourite Things Friday

Welcome to Favourite Things Friday ....can you believe how fast this year is speeding by?  For those of you not familiar with this little linky party- Friday is the day to post something that you love and share it with everyone who wants to pop by and have a look. You can choose anything you like.  Easy! Just use the linky widgety thing at the bottom of this post to show off your fave thing.

My favourite thing this week is a finish. This week I am thrilled to announce  that we had a finish on the dining room renovation.  After months of painting and sanding and goodness knows what else it's done!  It doesn't get much favourite-r than that.

This is what the dining room  looked like before we started. Dark, Dreary and Yuk. I was auditioning tables and chairs for months. I auditioned at least three sets of chairs, which means I was at set Number 4 when I finally got the ones that were perfect for this table...I know. I'm insane. Wanna buy a used not needed chair anyone-I have plenty!

And for those of you who may not recall, just when I had given up hope after months of looking for the "perfect" kitchen dresser I found this gem ...which I thought had massive potential. And then we had to have the "will I /wont I paint it" conversation. Several times...before a decision got made.

And here's what it looks like now...

Everything in this room was picked up on the cheap, recycled and painted into submission. Did I mention it's all second hand?- every last stick of it.

How I love Ebay...

Those chairs look exactly the way I imagined they would with this dining room. Perfect! It's amazing what 25 bucks worth of funky upholstery fabric can do .  

It's going to take some getting used to all that white. But I'm happy with the results - even if I am still hunting for the perfect light fitting. Repeat after me "It's finished " . Next stop- bathroom renovation. Ugh. I cant even think about it.

FTF is having Friday off next week because I'll have a house guest and I'm going to be busy trying to show Little Miss Sunshine as much of my part of the world as time will permit. I'll be back the week after with more Favourite Things!


  1. Wow, that is absolutely gorgeous! I love what you did to transform the room. WHEW...huh?

  2. I have thought of something but I just don't have time at the minute, when I get home from work as I need to do a happy snap. Love the makeover, I would like to lighten up my brown family room but apparently wood panelling is the hight of fashion according to DH(because you can still buy it) so that won't be happening.

  3. The First thing that comes to Mind is 'Reno Queen'....WooHoo!!!
    Love Love the New Dresser..I am a White Girl at Heart...Great Job!
    Your New Room looks Awesome and sooo Modern....

  4. I love love love how you have transformed the dining room. I love everything about it, the white painted furniture, the gorgeous chairs with the funky fabric, the display in the cabinet and the bowl on the table, and your beautiful quilt draped over the chair.
    Congratulations you have done a fabulous job!

  5. It looks fabulous. I love the dresser its just gorgeous. Well done.

  6. you are the queen of everything...and I am in awe. I want to revamp my little dining area.....but I hate it will stay as it is for now. Your dining area looks fantastic....well done the chairs.....!!

  7. Love the tassles - great touch! You (almost) make me want to pick up a paintbrush.

  8. Your dining room is divine!! I can't imagine the work it was to paint all that white, not to mention reupholster the chairs, but it is gorgeous, like something from a magazine. Well done!

  9. Wow, you kicked it into modern, your room is beautiful. The price is the best, no, maybe it IS the finish that is the best! Congrats to your hard work! :-}pokey

  10. Wow! Beautiful finish! Congrats!

  11. Gorgeous! Painting the furniture gave it a really fresh look.

  12. Fantastic finish and Favorite! I agree it looks gerat. :D

  13. How gorgeous is your room! Looking back on it - was it worth all the angst and effort, do you reckon?

  14. Looking good! It's like an episode from a make over show. lol

  15. should be posted in one of those home redo magazines! I am speechless -is there anything crafty in the world that you are not a master at??
    PS: word veriication: tocrafter...funny huh?

  16. You really have a talent for this decorating thing Shay. The room looks lovely. I really love the white painted furniture - very brave of you. I have a very nice low pine bookcase which is in my bedroom and which needs to be white (-ish) to match my French Provincial look bedside tables but I'm too scared to take a brush to it. Once you start there's no going back is there?
    Well done.

  17. There ain't nutin like paint dear girl! It's amazing what it can do. I love the chairs too!
    A great job. Today I posted at 7:30 in Canada. Pretty good for me to be on time.

  18. Wowza! It looks absolutely smashing, Shay! The chairs are perfect and well-worth the audition. I so want to paint everything in my house now. :o) I love how bright and airy the room looks. Do you throw a cloth over the table when you eat to prevent scratches? Just curious.

    Fabulous favourite! Happy FTF! :o)

    PS...I'm taking the month of April off as I complete the A to Z Challenge, though I'll hop around and visit everyone and their favourites. Enjoy next weekend! Wish I was with y'all. What fun!

  19. I like all the brightness, including the new floor tiles, but especially the color of paint you picked and how it looks with the white trim. Very cheery! Looks similar to the color of our room, but they won't let us paint the trim white. Oh well. Enjoy the weekend!

  20. I love what you've done. The white is perfect! You should be proud.

  21. Thank you everyone for your lovely comments. Those of you who have followed me for a while know this has taken FOREVER to be done and gave me many anxious moments. I think once Im used to being blinded by my own dining room furniture and it loses some of the "new white paint" feel , it's going to age quite nicely.

  22. KAY...SHAY,girl!! You did genius with your decorating!...would ya wanna come help me out in a couple of my rooms...yeah, they REALLY need help!

    My Fav for this week is on my posted... It is a Quilter's Journal. I wish I had, I wish I had,...o


  23. Wow. It is so, so fabulous. You know how I feel about white furniture, though. {I completely love it, in case you forgot.} You did a really beautiful job with the hutch (I forget what you call it and I'm too lazy to scroll up and see, so I'm using what we call it. Oh, yes. Now I remember. You call it a kitchen dresser). It is so beautiful! I'll bet it feels really great to have all that hard work pay off is such a big way. Well done! I love your black and white kitchen! Hooray for you!

    xo -E

  24. P.S. What did you do with the old dresser? Maybe you could send it to me and I could paint it all fabulous and white and put it in my kitchen.

  25. I love your new dining room! What a wonderful finish! I especially like the kitchen dresser - and everything is second hand. Amazing.

  26. It looks fantastic Shay! bet youre rather pleased to have it all finished and have the time to enjoy it now. Ive just started some mini reno's on a room here, ughhhh! ( ive only been putting it off for 6 years!)

    Have a great week with your house guest - dont get up to too much mischief (nah , go on!)

  27. Whew finished in the nic of time!! AWESOME JOB, it looks amazing :-) Love the covering on the chairs!

  28. oh, shay!!!

    I love it! It looks like an exotic vacation suite somewhere (I think I have vacations on the mind). It is so classy, clean and beautiful!

    Great job - I think you totally made the right decision to paint it!


Thanks for taking the time to leave some comment love. Drop by and visit again sometime.