Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Miss P's Folly

Last year I was surfing the net looking at fabric (which is  a bit like porn for crafty peeps isn't it? ) when I stumbled across the  Lily and Will fabric range.  I think my history with pastels has been well documented especially the  fact I have despised  every pastel coloured quilt I've ever made, so while I thought this fabric was pretty- it was never going to be a must have fabric for me.

Until Miss P wandered past the computer while I was looking and  told me how gorgeous the Lily and Will  fabric was in the pink colourway. I mean she really laid it on thick.  So I forked out the 130 bucks of my hard earned spondoola for 8 yards, a layer cake and postage and waited for it to arrive. The plan was to surprise Miss P and make her the cutest quilt ever because I hadn't made her a quilt for a while.

When the fabric arrived I showed it to her with the air of a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat expecting her to say " I love that fabric -please say you're making something for me " and I would say " I'm making you a quilt from it because you loved this so much " and she would be all squealy and girly and gushing  and was going to tell me that I am the best mother in the whole wide world. Yep folks -  that's the way it all ran in my head.

When it arrived I showed her the fabric...waited for the squealing and declarations of undying love and my awesome-ness and got "Ewwwww,that's horrible - I don't like that at all. It doesn't look like it did on the computer ". To my credit, because I truly AM the best mother in the world, I resisted the urge to strangle her on the spot because there were about one million other things I could have spent 130 bucks on (and also because I hear jail food is pretty much lousy and because I dont really want to become big Bertha's bitch on the inside)

Last Saturday  I decided to pull my finger out and make something out of the Lily and Will for no other reason than it was  sitting there mocking me and everytime I see it I want to take to Miss P with a stick. Since I wasn't emotionally invested in this fabric though I wanted whatever I did to be fast. So in the three days since Saturday I've cut and sewed and sewed and quilted and clipped some seams and  like magic this is the result.

I've made stacks of these rag quilts and they're so easy and cute. I'd never thought to add binding until I saw this tutorial over at Bloom. (Thanks for the link Little Miss Sunshine ) Trust me - even if you've never sewed a quilt in your life - you can do this one because untrained monkeys could do it.

Check out the back

And another look at the front which I quilted in a cross hatch pattern, which I think is perfect.

I'm really liking this now it's done- so boo sucks to you Miss P - I think I'm keeping it.

I'm seriously thinking about naming it Miss  P's Folly  or The Chocolate Box . What do you think? I'm open to suggestions.

In other fabric related news I  went stash shopping Monday and bought these. There goes another 6 yards of this years fabric allowance. It's Sara's fault. She put dots in my head. At least I'm not hearing voices.


  1. I, for one, love Lily & Will especially in the pink colorway. I have never made a rag quilt with regular fabric. I have only ever used flannel. I popped over to look at the tutorial. It does look incredibly easy and (dare I say it?) fun!

  2. You know she is going to change her mind now that it is made up! Well done on making it despite your aversion to pastels....! I like Mrs P's folly should NEVER get sucked in by a daughter saying they love something....and thinking that meant they would like to have that something....LOL....speaking from experience of course!!

  3. Oh, it's just gorgeous! I suwannee, everytime I see one of your lovely quilts it makes me want to give it another try. The Puncuation Jelly Roll is sitting there mocking me right now.

    Keep it. And call it Miss P's Folly. Love, love, love it! :o)

    What are you going to make with the dots? (And so glad you're not hearing voices...I hear them...I just don't answer!)

  4. Quilt turned out nice, I think I'd keep it too! I made Breanna a flannel rag quilt once and it's one of her favorites.
    I love all those dots, isn't it aweful how tempting all this fabric is?
    p.s. landlord HATES the red and we've been having all kinds of meetings. We're terrible renters (for painting like they said we could?), and tho we said we'd paint it back to puke-cream when we leave, they don't want the extra layers of pain on the walls..... (grumble grumble!)

  5. Sure is a pretty folly and you should keep it.

    Seriously love those dots - all the best bright colours there for some gorgeous creating in your space.

  6. I wasn't particularly keen on Lily & Will until the second series came out and they added yellow. I'm a sucker for any range that has the same fabrics in pink, yellow, green and blue, and I've found a fat quarter set, but... Well, I don't have a daughter my age to con me into buying it before changing her mind.

    Your Spotlight must have a bigger range than ours - I think we only got one of the negative spots, which is why I had to go with positive ones.

  7. I'd go with Miss P's Folly. Very pretty quilt. Congrats on getting through a pastel quilt with so little blood shed (LOL)!

  8. Love the rag quilt, I've never made one myself, but they are so soft and cuddly. I REALLY love your new polka dot, bright fabric - that's my kinda fabric too!

  9. That looks lovely and I'm sure Miss P will snuggle up under it quickly.

  10. I've never made a rag quilt. I really like this one. Although you know I'm a bright girl I do like pastels. That quilt would be perfect in my sewing room. Miss P sounds so much like Miss Morgan!

    I'm still collecting dot fabric, so looks like I might need some of those.

  11. since i've turned into the speed queen i'm loving it and the process, thanks for sharing ... someday i'll wave my magic wand and poof i'll have one too ... thanks for sharing shay!

  12. I like the Lily and Will in green since I am not a pink girl, but Miss P is definitely gonna be sorry she passed on this fabric when she sees this beauty! I like the idea of a binding on the rag quilt to contain the edges. Very clever!

    Dots in a stash don't count, so you can just take those yards straight off the top.

  13. Ah, don´t worry about the stash goes on :-)
    About the quilt...could you please adopt me???
    Why doesn´t my Mom quilt, and why don´t I have a sister and why is life sometimes just not fair?

  14. Three takes me that long just to decide which fabric to use.
    I bet Miss P is going to be very sorry she said she didn't like that fabric because the quilt looks gorgeous. You are so clever and quick.
    Love your stash of dots, lovely bright colours, always a favourite around here.
    Now you've got me wanting to make another rag quilt, I'll just have to add that to the ever growing list.

  15. Never made a rag quilt ...I think Miss P's Folly is a great name. I'm sure she's regretting that she didn't ooh and aah over the fabric.

    I'm loving the stash fabric you bought, too. really loving it.

  16. I like the name Miss P's folly. I have been known to buy and use pastel fabrics, mind you there aren't to many finished pastel quilts. I did notice in the stack of finished quilt tops that I went through this evening that there are quite a number of the pastel variety I just loose the enthusiasm once the top is finished.

  17. Miss P's Folly -great name. I have given up trying to surprise my (grown) children; however, DGD is another story.

  18. I Love that fabric range & I would have taken it off your hands for you but I do Love what you did with it it is Gorgeous...
    Can relate to the mother/daughter relationship..

  19. Shay,
    Miss P's Folly is a perfect name. You have inspired me to try a rag quilt. I've never done one and have a stash of flannels that I would like to put to a use. It will make a great "cottage quilt" for my darling grandkids. You make my day begin with a smile. Many thanks!
    Helen (Nanci's PT)

  20. (which is a bit like porn for crafty peeps isn't it? ) This actually made me pee alittle from laughing! It is so true!!!! lol

  21. Wow! That quilt is really great! Beautifully done. And, um, all I'll say is, what was Miss P thinking?

    About the dots. LOVE them! Super fun!

    xo -El

  22. Okay, let's do our best to keep you out of prison...but I know exactly what you mean about wanting to throttle a daughter. Love the quilt. I like Miss P's folly for a name. I can't wait to see what you do with the dots. I inherited yards and yards of large dot fabric and haven't found anything inspiring to do with it yet. Lane

  23. Thanks everyone for your comments (But especially Lane for helping me stay out of jail)

    Sara - they had about 30 different prints in the dots and stripes. It all looked so good on the shelf ! If you need something else let me know and I'll do a Spotty run for you. The offer is good anytime.

    Brenda you should give one a go - theyre so easy and it's still quilting least thats what I tell myself.

    Donnie, I dont think Miss P will get this one now...she might have to wait her turn for something else and I will not be discussing fabric choices with her before hand.

    Helen (PT) Im honoured that I inspired you ! Thats high praise.

    Angie- I do that ALL the time! I thought it was age related.

    Char as soon as you decide what to do with the dots let me know so I can shamelessly copy you!

    Annie so dots in a stash dont count just like calories consumed while standing up eating are also void. Cool!

    NanaB its so much easier when theyre little isnt it?

  24. Miss P's Folly is the perfect name. It looks so cute and comfy, like just the thing you want to grab and cuddle up with. Nice quilting too! Love the dots!

  25. I love your Folly quilt !
    I cannot go pasts spot , dots or polka dots !

  26. Girls can be so fickle just leave it laying around and she will claim it.

  27. I'm leaning toward Miss P's Folly... has a better story behind it anyway. I bought a couple Charm Packs of Lily & Will specifically to make 3 baby sized quilts (one in each of the 3 colorways... damn them for coming out with Lily & Will II and adding yellow!) I'm planning on donating them because, well, I'm not too keen on pastels either.

  28. A trained monkey??? Right up my alley ;-)

  29. Way to go! It turned out lovely! I think you should wear it around the house every time Miss P is over - rub her face in it!

  30. But where can I buy Lily and Will fabrics?


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