Friday, March 04, 2011

Favourite Things Friday

Welcome to Favourite Things Friday. Thanks for dropping by!

FTF is all about sharing something you love and showing off one of your favourite things. So if you want to play along , write yourself a post , link it up to the bottom of this post and break out the teapot and prepare for some visitors.

I'm feeling a bit nostalgic this week. Miss P celebrated her 20th birthday on Wednesday and I've been reflecting on parenthood which quite naturally led me to the subject of today's post.

As a parent you sometimes day dream about when your grown child tells you that you're going to become a grandparent. In my dreams I'd watched my daughter grow and go to uni, start her career , meet someone kick arse fabulous, get married and then I planned to  spend the next few years eagerly anticipating the "Mum I've got some wonderful news to tell you " conversation.

Champagne was going to flow as readily as the tears of joy . I'd excitedly think of baby names and secretly hope she didn't choose anything way out or weird, (Jackson is not spelt Jaxxsson for crying out loud) we'd  talk morning sickness and weight gain and I'd take her baby clothes and accessory shopping. I imagined the days I could spend babysitting because by that time I certainly wouldn't be working 9 days a fortnight. I mean after all- I'd be practically retired by that stage since I was planning on being about 53.

Generally, nothing much in life  turns out the way you imagined it. And when Miss P told me she was pregnant at the ripe old age of 17  I couldn't imagine myself as a grandparent  because frankly I hadn't quite finished dispensing parental wisdom. Not that Miss P listened. Case in point : I recall many many conversations about contraception and even abstinence. And since  Miss P also ended up living 3500 kilometres away from the early stages of her pregnancy (because Little P's Dad had a job that required them to be far away)  I missed out on all the other stuff I'd dreamed about too. Sometimes life is like that.

But when this little guy arrived (and I was actually there at the moment he made his entrance ) all the "I've really been ripped off" feelings disappeared and I fell utterly and completely in love. This little guy changed my life.

And I've fallen more in love every day since then.

I love him even when he looks like this...

Yep- he loves the camera.

And when I don't see him for a week or so I suffer from Little P withdrawal.

This week my favourite thing is being a grandparent. It is without doubt the coolest thing EVER.  I get to dispense grandparent-ly wisdom and Little P is too young to argue back. I'm young enough to enjoy this grandparenting deal.  Occasionally these days in matters of parenting Miss P will concede I actually do know what I'm talking about. And when Little P calls out "Bella"(it sounds like Lella at the moment just like Grandpa is Bran-pa but I'm sure he'll get it right eventually ) my heart just melts.  The best thing about grandparenting is that my sole job is to love the socks off Little P!

What's your favourite thing this week?

Frugal Grocery February Winner :
Thanks to everyone who played along with Frugal Grocery February - there were some amazing efforts ! Thanks for playing along and keeping me motivated. I really enjoyed doing it.  The winner of the Frugal Grocery Challenge Aussie Food Pack is Seams Inspired, who saved over 50% off her grocery bill last month !


  1. That is a great favorite thing! I loved having my mom to talk to when I was pregnant, and I love having her around to give me advice. And she just loves being a grandmother more than anything in the world.

  2. What a really lovely favourite Shay. Look at those huge eyes, so cute. You would be the best Bella ever!

    Congratulations to Larri, I bet you are really looking forward to your kilo (2.2lb) jar of Vegemite.

  3. Shay, that's such a wonderful favorite thing and what a handsome young man he is.

  4. Beautiful favourite.

    Enjoy your grandmotherhood.

  5. I'll bet you are one of Little P's FTF's too. Wonderful FTF!

  6. I love the picture of you holding him when he was first born! You look so happy! Thanks for the great FTF!

  7. What a lovely post and what a lovely favourite thing. I really envy you a bit.
    Life is often not at all like the way you imagined it is it? My kids are both over 30 and neither married or producing grand children. I'm beginning to think I'm going to miss out on both of these which is a bit sad for THEM as well as me.

  8. You are both adorable! Love this post. What an honor to be a grandmother. Love that he calls you Bella (or Lella).

  9. What a fun post, and he is SOOO cute!
    I just found out yesterday that my mother is going to be a grandmother again.... need to have some words with Tyler's dr. We thought we were past this stage in life, and I'm not really sure how I am going to manage 4 children. There must be a reason, and I am excited, but there is some hesitation too. Today I tried shopping with a 6/3/1 year old.... and another will be thrown in the mix?!? Oh boy, I'm sure glad I live closer to mom. I too found that my mother became quite smart all of a sudden, when I was a parent and needed advise.
    Enjoy that little boy! =)

  10. I love my foot "risers" that my husband made for me! They have really helped me to sew for longer without my back and legs hurting.


  11. Great FTF, luckily at the moment my kids are convinced that you have to be married to have babies (well squid does anyway), I am sure that won't last much longer lol. My MIL had to wait the longest time for grandchildren but that hasn't stopped her spoiling them rotten at every opportunity and I think that is what keeps her going now she is on her own.

  12. Well deserved! I really enjoy your blog and am impressed by your finds. Keep it up!
    Sweet memories.
    Titanium Necklaces Titanium Necklaces

  13. At the ripe old age of 23 I'm a bit young to have grandkids, so I go play with my cousins Bob and Esther. I like kids better when I can give them back. But Esther, at just 7 months old, already loves a good bit of new fabric, and has managed to score herself two quilts, lucky thing.

  14. Great FTF! Happy Birthday to Ms P!!
    Your grandson is a gorgeous little man, i love the photo of you holding him as a newborn, you look like your about to burst with pride!

  15. Oh my gosh! Little P is just the most gorgeous baby! Fabulous favorite, Shay. You, no doubt, are a wonderful "Lella" who is creating some amazing memories with your grandson.

    PS...Yay, Me! :o) Thanks for the fun February Challenge. We're going to continue our couponing journey into March. Thanks for the swift kick I needed to get back into budgeting and saving on the grocery bill. Happy Friday night! :o)

  16. I'll admit - I was a little teary over this one! Your post was beautiful, Shay - and your face with the newly born Little P is simply glowing.

    As I am able to look at it on the other side, I am thankful that you are able to support your daughter and her son in advice, encouragement and love. I am so proud of you that you processed through the shock and came out on the other side! And what a blessing he is.

    Thanks for sharing him with us!
    And, I hope Helen is able to enjoy the blessing of a grandchild soon, too!

  17. He's adorable!

    Since my only child is 15, and a DOG, my chances of being a grandparent are out of the question! That's ok, I love reading about other people's adventures...


  18. Too cute, that little man! It's never how you plan it but it's always a blessing none-the-less when you can look back and recognize it happened just the way it needed to for something so wonderful to be a part of it. :D

    Nice FTF!

  19. I have to agree - grandparenting is right up at the top for sure!!! He is a little doll too.

  20. Shay,
    Bravo! I feel as you do. Being a grandmother is one of the loveliest gifts I have received. Our grandson told his friends that "my Grandma knows EVERYTHING." He thinks that I am funny and brilliant and cool and he loves me unconditionally as I love him. My heart sings when he is with us. Enjoy your Darling Boy - it only gets better.
    Helen (aka Nanci's PT)

  21. I enjoyed your blog so much today, very sweet. I had very young parents and also young grandparents. I was blessed to have them so long. No one loves me like my grandmas did.

  22. Ah Grandchildren...I have nine! At one time 9 under 9! Those were the happiest times, building the memories that are cherished today!
    I too am a young grandmother so hopefully will see great grandchildren in my lifetime. Your little guy has awesome eyes that just exhude the love that is given to him. A great post.

  23. I think this post might be my favorite thing of the week. Happy Birthday, Miss P.

  24. I just realized that I wrote my FTF post and then didnt post it. I have posted and added my link. My Saturday was so busy that I didnt even get to get on the computer. Now off to finish my grandsons quilt and get it in the mail.

  25. A warm *HELLO* from Germany!
    Your grandson is *lovely* - soooo cute!
    I like Fridays too, so I am glad to share your project FTF!

    Liebe Grüße
    von Anja

  26. OK, I had to read just on more post, and I'm glad I did. What a sweet post! I got teary-eyed! Really, I did, and not just because my nasty son dropped a load in the john and left the door open (why are boys so nasty!?!). I bet you are an AWESOME grandmom!

  27. Little P is absolutely adorable! I'm so glad you love the Bella gig. I'll bet your fabulous at it, like everything else.

    xo -E


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