Sunday, February 20, 2011

It Seems I'm on A Roll

I'm pretty sure I've been inoculated with a sewing needle these last few weeks. Either that or I've been possessed  by Crafting Demons. How else could I possibly explain the level of crafty activity that's been going on in my sewing room?  I'm just going with it - who knows how long it will last ?  By this time next week it's entirely possible that I won't want to look at my sewing machine for a month.

Lounging Around is finished. Two quilt finishes in 7 weeks is unheard of around here.  Happily I LOVE this quilt and so does Mr. P.  

I did my first ever quilt label for this quilt.   I'm a real quilter now.  And in the process of  showing you this -I'm also outing Mr. P. I seem to be doing that to my family a lot lately.

Kate was kind enough to send me some fabric sheets to try out for labels and I just went for it. Kate, you've been immortalised forever on a quilt as a thank you.  If it wasn't for you- this label would never have been made.

Little P's blocks are all sewn together and I've started the back too. Borders next.  This is another quilt I'm really enjoying making. What's going on? Three quilts on the go and I'm not hating any of them....

I made two more Dresden Blocks this week and appliqued them and the 3 from last week.  I've been working on this quilt now for about 7 weeks but since it feels like I've been flashing weekly progress pictures since about oh I dunno ...the dawn of time ...I've spared you this week.

I finally dragged my sorry behind out of the sewing room long enough to pay some attention to the computer desk drawers today.  This reno project has taken almost a year ( 8 months of which the desk sat outside doing nothing but waiting ) and has been fraught with unfortunate events. It looks like the pain has been worth it. I love those drawers. I love those handles. I love my new desk.

When the dresser is finally finished, we're putting the paint away for a while...

Miss P and I went op shopping on Friday and scored some crazy bargains. I bought this for Little P  because he is currently obsessed with vacuum cleaners ...

He doesn't know his colours yet so he doesn't know it's pink ..

And he scored some more toys. Miss P told me most emphatically that the recorder was staying here at my house.

I'm working on indoctrinating Little P into the "you can never have enough shoes" club. The boots are his.   They light up when you stamp your feet. Or when you throw the boots which is what he spent 20 minutes doing Friday afternoon. Bonus points to anyone who can guess who the pink pair belong to...

And I scored this fabulous carry all which will be perfect for toting sewing projects around. I'm trying to think of ways to make it look pretty. Any suggestions?

Miss P and I didn't get to our monthly craft project on Friday but magically these frames got painted anyway.. I think fairies live at my house. Cups of tea magically appear when I am thirsty as well. Stay tuned for the finish to this amazingly simple project later this week.

May the craft be with you.

Goals for this week
3 more Dresden Blocks
Half the snowball quilt top to be completed (since I slacked off for FNSI)
Finish the back of Little P's Alphabet Quilt and add one border to the front


  1. Lounging Around is magnificent. I love the quilting it looks fabulous, and on the border it is just perfect.
    Isn't Kate lovely sending you the fabric sheets, I really need to start making labels for my quilts.
    At this rate I'm never going to get started on my Punctuation quilt, but at least I can look at how fabulous Litttle P's one is turning out.
    Can't wait to see the finished desk, and I hope that the vacuum cleaner and recorder are broken by the beginning of April.
    Mr P will look very nice in those pink shoes,
    I hope the craft will be with me as I'm going to a quilting class tomorrow and I need all the help I can get. I don't think they will allow alcohol at 9.30am!

  2. Way to go...I love Lounging around but I assume youdon´t want to send it my way..I mean I could try and have my name change?!
    And Ethan´s Quilt will be just a beautiful. You are so good. By the way if my quilting turns out half as good as yours - I´d be happy. I cannot wait to see the desk all done...what a great idea with the drawers. You are having a craft fairy over else could you get all that stuff done AND go to work?!!

  3. Magnificent! Glad you have joined the really quilters - your lable looks very professional.

    Little P's quilt is gorgeous - glad the fairy's have been working in your creative space, they may inspire me to get something happening??

    Have a good week.

  4. Love the quilt for Mr. P! I just used that same fabric for a commissioned baby quilt and one that I am making for the daughter of a dear friend. Can't wait to see Little P's finished quilt.

    Lucky you to be out thrifting! I cannot wait until it is warm enough here for yard sales to pop up again.

  5. Wow congratulations on another finish Shay. Lounging around turned out beautifully i love how youve quilted it. Its so hard to make blokey quilts but the colors and fabrics are perfect- i bet
    Mr P loves it!

    Love what youve done with the drawers too. What did you use paper or fabric? Looks great!

  6. You have been busy! Love the quilts, and as for the covered drawers.....what can I say......gorgeous.

  7. I love Michael's quilt, it is lovely!

    Good op shopping trip! So impressed with your haul there. I absolutely love modular daisies and my kids did too!

  8. I'm waiting for that roller coaster to stop and let you off...Boy you are on a roll & a Lovely one at that...
    Love the Quilt & those Drawers look Fab..I have similiar knobs..nice Bling!
    LOL I remember those Cases similiar to ones that carried Hair I'm showing my Age!
    cheers for a good week...

  9. Wow Shay, Lounging Around turned out great! Your frist label turned out pretty cool too. I'm speechless over the honor you have given me, so I'll just say thank you.

    Little P's quilt is really cute. Love the block with his name on it that you've added to the corner. He'll know his ABC's pretty quickly with that quilt to snuggle with.

    Had a thought on the carry all. You could make some stickers to cover it, you know like the old fashioned travel trunks that had stickers of the destinations on them. Avery makes printable sticker paper that can be purchased in places like Office Max and Staples here in the US. But rather then printing those kind of stickers, maybe you could make stickers of buttons of the blogs you visit. Just a thought. The other option would be to cover it and it's such weird shape.

    Great crafty stuff going on. Hope the craft faries stick around for a while.

  10. I'm exhausted now. Think I'll go back to're like a whirlwind. Good job.

  11. You are such on a "get it done" roll! And here it takes me one week to do 2 mug rugs and still have to take pictures of them! Love your drawers and can't wait to see the whole thing!

  12. You go girl! I get that way too where I get this energy that radiates from my spine and I accomplish TONS! Then it's gone and I am useless. Ride the wave while it is there!
    LOVE the lounging around quilt!

  13. Holy Cow, go to bed, Woman! I love that quilt, I really do. And the desk is beautiful-great idea. I could use some faeries here. Well, I do have some, but they are mostly not helpful. Crumbs appear out of nowhere and empty glasses with milk rings pop up just when I think I'm all done cleaing.

  14. Mr. P's quilt is fab! Excellent simple quilting and a label, my you are grown up! Glad you are not hating your current projects--I know how that can make a project crawl by millimeters...

    Op shop shopping looks very successful. And pink is just a color, not a lifestyle (except for pinkiphiles).

    Love the dresser drawers, sew cute (insert groan here).

  15. It's as I suspected all along. You are fabulous. Lounging Around turned out SO nicely. I'm so tempted to make my own. I'm not really good with the 'no new projects' policy. And Little P's quilt is AWESOME!

    Your desk drawers are amazing. And I wonder if you'd leave my address out for the little fairies who live at your house? I have a few things I could use help with.

    xo -E

    P.S. The pink shoes are fabulous. They're for me, right?

  16. Everything here is amazing. Those pink shoes are very regal looking, fit for the Queen of Craftiness that you are. The Lounging quilt matches the chair! It's perfect! The embellished drawer fronts--love. You could do something similar with the case, could you not? Mod Podge some fabric on it?

  17. you are a-ma-zing!

    I don't know which quilt I love more - but I think they will fit the recipients perfectly!

    How the heck do you get all of this done all of the time????

    love all of your loot - and how fun that you had a great day with Miss P and Little P! (I'll keep using tag names, just in case :)

  18. I love Mr. P's quilt! Little P's is really neat as well. You have way too much energy! I'm glad you're not hating any of your quilts. I'm trying to knit a baby blanket and I hate this dang thing. I need to eat a little bit of what you're having for breakfast so I can try to keep up!

  19. Now Shay, this is the best quilt you have ever done. I LOVE it! I have some of that label stuff to put on my next quilt. I know who to get advice from if I run into trouble.

  20. lounging around is terrific! I love the border and the binding and the label. excellent. Little P's quilt is great too. how lucky for him, a quilt, a vacuum cleaner, boots, lots and lots of toys!!

    You were amazingly productive! If only the fairies could travel here..

  21. I really love the quilt you made for Mr. P. The blue and brown are really nice together! Baby P's quilt is so sweet, I know he will get a lot of comfort from it. I am sure he will learn his alphabet and learn to spell also.

    I am excited that you found so many wonderful things! I just love to go shopping and come home with bags full of goodies!

    I was able to snatch up some fabric over the weekend! It is not quilting fabric, but I am in love with it all anyway!

  22. I really like both of the quilts! Can't wait to see the alphabet one complete, great fabrics. Keep up the good work, doesn't it feel good to complete things?

  23. Lounging Around is great! Love the quilting! Also love the alphabet quilt. Very cute!

    Can you come to my house & motivate me to finish 2 quilts in 7 weeks???

  24. Those quilts are beautiful, wow you are on a roll!
    Love what you have done with the drawers as well :-)

  25. My gosh! You are an AMAZING INPIRATION!!
    What more can I say...
    I love reading your blog.

  26. Love your finds and the quilt is beautiful. Do you think you could send me some of those fairies to make my tea?

  27. Love the quilts! Bravo! If you cut cotton or muslin the size of a sheet of paper, iron freezer paper on to the back of the fabric, you can feed it through your printer and make labels or squares for a photo quilt. It works beautifully with our ink jet printer. Enjoy your blog soooo much. Many thanks.
    Helen (Nanci's Private Teacher)

  28. I am always exhausted after reading what you have been up to. I do love Mr P's quilt.

  29. Goodie for you and yours - looks great over there are you place. My daughter won't let me send "noisy toys" home with her kids either.

  30. Shay, belated reader here. Love your Lounging around quilt. Congrats on your bargain shopping day! Lane

  31. Gorgeous, gorgeous. Love your quilting...and those alphabet blocks are so charming.

    Craft on, oh talented one!


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