Sunday, February 13, 2011

I'm Crabby...but it's not what you think

I had a crazy , crazy week at work last week. By the time I limped home Friday night all I could think about was eating, collapsing and sleeping in that order. This week is going to be the same so by Friday night I'm going to need something to relax.  Since hitting the bottle is socially frowned upon ,and makes people talk about you behind your back,  I joined up to this month's Friday Night Sew In as an antidote to the stress of the working week.   I'm planning to achieve greatness. Feel free to join me /us /half of Blogland as we sew our way to zen. 

In early December Sara posted a picture of a softie stuffed crab she had made.   It was utterly cute and I told her so. This week when Sara came to the big smoke for a flying visit - crab came too. When Sara went home Crab  decided to stay because Little P would like a crabby friend and because Crab was being bullied by all the other crabs because she's half albino. Thank you Sara. That was such a sweet thing for you to do, especially since you had to run all over Adelaide to deliver her.  Isn't she cute? Little P is going to adore her.

Achievements for this week included:

3 more Dresden Blocks made and 6 extra blocks appliqued  that were laying around applique-less. So far I have 16 of the 25 blocks done...minus the centre circles, sashing and borders...I did say this was going to be a long term project.  

I made 19 blocks for Little P's new quilt. This is not the quilt I originally planned to make for him this year but I saw it and fell in love. The thought occurred that if I concentrated on one thing at a time instead of at least three, I probably could have finished this top in a weekend. Marg originally sent me the link to  this quilt over at Diary of A Quilter  so I can't take credit for the idea since I am shamelessly stealing Marg's thunder and even more shamelessly copying the quilt almost identically.

Work continues with the painting of the french provincial dresser...the top is primed and ready for it's first coat of paint. The base needs another primer coat. The big question is - will we make the end of February deadline for the dining room and computer room reveals? Once this and the computer desk are done we're going to take a break because I can't face any more renovations at the moment. (I'm sure most of you  are breathing a sigh of relief too!)  Money is also an influencing factor.

Eventually my back patio won't have paint cans, heavy duty tools, half my kitchen dresser contents and all manner of renovate-y type things strewn all over it. I'm kind of used to it by now since it's been that way since July of last year.  Marg's visit in April will be a good excuse to tidy it up so we can pretend we live like normal people for a while.  

I won a giveaway at 13 Woodhouse Road a few weeks ago. My Sudoku Quilt Kit arrived this week. I chose the Central Park fabrics. Pretty! Thanks again Shruti and Fat Quarter Shop. And the rainbow batiks for Little P's other quilt arrived this week so I haven't been entirely deprived of fabric on my No Fabric February Journey. I am happy to report I haven't bought a scrap of fabric so far.  Thank goodness I can surf the Internet quilt shops for free because I am suffering serious withdrawal.

I finished the quilting for Lounging Around at  7pm tonight. I'm doing the Happy Dance. I'm really liking the way it turned out. Here's a sneak peek. I'll show off the whole thing when the binding is done and it's been crinkled.

Call me a legend. Despite my incredibly busy week I managed to achieve all my quilting goals.  Now if I could just work out where the weekends go or convince my boss to give me every Friday off my life would be complete.

I hope your weekend was full of crafty moments.

Goals for this week :
3 more blocks for Dresden Heaven
Finish Mr. P's Quilt
Finish the  remaining 8 blocks for Little P's quilt

P.S. I  baked this weekend. Pop in tomorrow for a laugh at the results.


  1. Ask for Fridays and Mondays , can't hurt ... Amazing how much you manage to get done !

  2. With the exception of Monday's quilt top, I haven't achieved much either. Too much back and forth-ing, and silly me has agreed to do it again tomorrow.

    On the fabric buying front, I'm making up for you - I bought another 5 metres today.

    Wild crabs can be so mean. But it's okay, she's fully domesticated and shouldn't pee on your carpet.

  3. Yeah, im amazed at what you get done too! Love the dresden plates, something im yet to attempt and Little P's quilt is gorgeous !

  4. Didn't get much done???!! I am confused - it sure looks like you accomplished a lot - in addition to working out of the home. Wholly smokes woman give yourself some credit!!

  5. I need another cuppa. You have been one busy lady. Have a restful day today to get ready for Monday. Lovely post.

  6. YOU CAN DO IT!!! Do you see my virtual pompoms? ;)

  7. Wow...I wish I had just half of your energy...but at least I am sewing again.
    The dresden plates look geourgous, Mr.P´s quilt is awesome and I am sure that ABC Quilt will end up just perfect.
    Oh and your baking results are definetly better than my cooking results ;.)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. You always amaze me with the amount of things you get done. Makes me feel like I'm a lazy, do nothing, lay-about. Oh wait, maybe I actually am. :D

  10. Love your Dresden plate and your alphabet quilt! So cute! I love to visit your blog. It always makes makes me laugh but also vow to get more done this week.
    Have a great week!

  11. Wow, in awe at all you did this last week. Great job on the lounging around quilt--Mr. P is a lucky man. And Little P's crab is too adorable. Excellent work, my dear!

  12. You are amazing! Nice job on everything. I really like the way the Lounging Around quilt turned out and how Little P's is looking!

  13. Noice!

    I am really impressed with your painting. I always think I should do that sort of thing but never quite get around to it. Your table is amazingly gorgeous and the dresser is well on it's way. Looking forward to the "da dah!" photos of your rooms!!!

  14. Your Dresden's are looking gorgeous, the more I see yours it makes me want to make them.
    Lounging Around is looking fabulous and yes you are a legend, I could never get as much accomplished as you in a week.
    That is a very cute crab, I love the fabric and his beady eyes.
    WOW the dressed looks stunning, I'm in love, it looks fabulous, you are so very clever at turning a not so lovely piece of furniture into something absolutely gorgeous.
    Winning giveaways is a very good way to keep your fabric purchases low.

  15. I am totally stealing the alphabet quilt from you and from Diary of a Quilter-- the original idea from her and the improvement of using lighter/softer tones from you.

    So cute!!

  16. The dresser looks amazing in white--what an improvement, Shay. Will it remain white, or do you have BIG PLANS?

    Speaking of painting, I'm glad you are once again participating in the Ginger Landreth Memorial Pink Pedi Party! Can't wait for March to see who else is in on this.

  17. WELL! for someone who had a Busy week at Work you sure achieved a lot of stitching....
    Great Job on the Dresser it is looking Fab already....
    Hope this week is a little easier on You...

  18. sweet, beautiful legend!

    yes, *craft days* on the job as an alternative option to *personal days.* or what if the government would pass a *craft discrimination* law where those of us who enjoy crafts could be guaranteed *craft rights!* LOL!!!!!

    love you.

  19. gorgeous Lounging around - Looking perfect with all quilted.
    Little P's new quilt is coming together very nicely too.
    You really do keep the sewing room busy.
    Hope work is a little easier on you this week.

  20. Well, everyone has already said what I wanted to say ... I have nothing unique to add. Looking forward to reading your food post ... that's what I get for working around the house on Sunday!

    Hope your week is better than expected ...

  21. Thea said what I would say, execpt I wasn't cleaning house, but sitting on bleachers all day! Love little P's quilt. Hoping your week is calmer!

  22. I like your crab and love the cute quilt top. I saw the sudoku packs in the shop and though that wouldn't be for me it would never work out as I always cheat.

  23. Everything looks amazingly fabulous! However, I am feeling like I am somehow behind after looking at all of your crafty-wonderfulness, sigh.

  24. Shay, you are amazing! I absolutely LOVE Little P's new quilt. And Mr. P's quilt is super fabulous too. Love the quilting on it. I'm so excited about the dresser renovation. I LOVE white furniture and that is going to be fabulous! And way to keep going with the Dresdens. You are a legend!

    xo -El

  25. I swear Australia must have about 10 more hours in the day than the US. There is just no other way that you could get all that done.
    Oh wait, you get up off the couch? That's just cheating.


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