Friday, February 25, 2011

Favourite Things Friday


It feels like Friday  rolls around faster and faster each week. I love Fridays. They're either my day off or  the day before my next day off and I get to share one of my favourite things with all the lovely people who drop by my patch of the Blogworld. You can share one of your Favourite Things too. Just write a post about something you love and link up at  the bottom of this post. Then I can come and have a nosy at your favourite thing for this week too!

Once  upon a time in a land at the bottom of the earth where people love vegemite (if they're really Aussies ) and we all wear thongs on our feet  because honestly the rest of the world,  it was footwear LONG before it was something you wore to floss your bum crack ,  there lived a Queen who had visions of a lovely space in which to spend her time computering with her online friends and communing with google (is there anything google doesn't know?)

She knew exactly how she wanted it and it didn't look even remotely like this.

She searched and searched for the perfect desk , but all the ones she looked at were too big , or too small , or too expensive or too ugly  and she wanted something cute that would fit with her idea of loveliness. The Queen had visions of this room being girly and cute and not neutral like the rest of her castle.  So she searched and searched and looked and looked and eventually in  the land of eBay  she found a desk that was juuuuuuuuuuuust right ...

It needed a little work because it was 50 years old but it was solid oak  and had huge possibilities. And it only cost 15 bucks. The price was right!

However  the queen was busy with other things. Like kitchen and laundry renovations and the never ending stripping of a Blackwood chair.  And so the desk sat ...outside ...lonely and neglected waiting for the Queen  to work her magic. Meanwhile back at the ranch ...all was not idle on the computer room re-do.

A shelf unit was being installed to replace the manky MDF on besser block shelf ensemble ( so chic !)  and the bricks behind it got painted so they matched the shelves.

The old meatsafe got stripped and painted ...and replaced the old dark wood shelf at the end of the hallway in the computer room . Now it shows off the Queen's Quilty Creations.

And eventually after much trial and tribulation , sanding and painting, varnishing and more stripping, more painting and glueing, some swearing and sighing the desk was finally ready to be royally unveiled.

Check out the cut glass handles...

There's the chair that got a re-spray late last year.


The Queen was overjoyed that another room in the castle could be deemed finished and she was in love with her new desk. And she beat the end of February deadline on this room reveal. It is indeed one of her Favourite Things, and you're darn tooting she's showing it off.

Now it's your turn to show off one of your Favourites!


  1. Really pretty room! Good job:)

    And they were thongs when I was a kid, too!

  2. Sorry not playing this week we are heading away for big family beach holiday to wait for it .......Moana. I know most family holidays are in Queensland but the thought of 2.5 hours in a plane with squid complaining about being motion sick, and controlling my motion sickness and the need for that holiday to include an overnight stay with my sister who has a houseful of cats and the resulting whining from DH and trying to stop the kids from saying anything about the stink would all be too much for my fragile sanity so I booked us in to Moana instead. As DH believes all holidays have to be at the Beach i am limited and now who is whining.

    Love Love Love the desk but I have one question, I know that the whicker looks well wickered but is it comfortable. Its just that when I was a young thing I drooled for many months over a whicker rocking chair which I eventually saved up and bought got it home and found that it gave me a bad case of bot rot so had get a really thick cushion to go on it. Well with this long comment I could of probably given you a favourite thing lol. Catch you next week

  3. Love the room redo. I need to make an office area for myself. I have too much to do. I need to quit my job so I can get all of these projects in my head done.

  4. That's a lovely room, I would be showing it off if it were mine too! A nice cushion for the white wicker chair, perhaps? I have always longed for a white wicker rocking I could have a white wicker wocker.

  5. You should be proud. That room is beautiful and created especially for you.

  6. That is gorgeous! When are you going to come to Cali and remake my blogging space? I could really use the help. I'm glad the Queen is happy, it is beautiful!

  7. I love the idea of using the meat safe to display your quilts. Is that wallpaper on the drawers in the desk?
    The room looks just great!

  8. I bow down to your genius Queen Shay .

  9. I love it! And I especially love that you can admire your quilty creations from yours desk - perfect!

  10. It is a desk fit for a queen! Love the cut glass handles. Now I can picture you sitting in your royal white wicker chair as I read your wittly dispensed wisdom.

  11. The room is really nice. I can just see you sitting at the beautiful desk typing away at yur computer. I love the white! It is so clean looking. Good work Mrs. P!

  12. Perfect surfing environment for the Queen!
    Pretty desk - gorgeous knobs.

  13. My mother always called them thongs, but I've always preferred the name flip-flop .. however ...

    I love, love, love your new space. How wonderful. The desk is fabulous ..

  14. I like it. It is so pretty. Pretty is so important I think.

  15. Vegemite is the bomb. Cheesymite and My First Vegemite are a bit ridiculous - I've been chowing down on the Vegemite since I was a wee thing and it's vast quantities of salt didn't hurt me.

    I'm jealous of your pretty work space - My laptop lives on my bedside table and I mainly use it sitting on the bed or the couch. It's quite comfortable though.

  16. Wow. You are so fearless and amazing with the stripping and refinishing of furniture. That desk is AWESOME! I love it! White furniture is the BEST!

    xo -El

    P.S. I have the same printer/scanner/copier as you do. Great minds, right?

  17. Love, love, love what you've done! Enjoy every second that you're in your room.

  18. The desk redo is amazing! I just love it, and the whole room.

  19. It is lovely. And not a dinner-plate sized spider or roasted chicken to be seen anywhere, so that is doubly good.

  20. Shay,
    You are a wonder, creative, resourceful, recycler extraordinaire, and incredibly witty! As my husband would say, "you are so talented you should have a group picture taken of yourself!"
    Love the desk, chair and cupboard. Keep pen to paper - we all look forward to your postings.
    Helen (aka Nanci's PT)

  21. OMG! I'm posting after Helen! I love the room. You've done a wonderful job. As you sit with your thongs under the desk, I'm sure your mind is in full gear as to the challenges of the mind putting thoughts to the computer page.
    It's amazing what a little elbow work can do isn't it. Very frugal of you too!

  22. That was a great deal of work the Queen had to do in her very own castle! She should indeed be proud of it as it is so beautiful! I want a meat safe full of finished quilts someday! Jealous.

  23. I am totally ARE a genius...I knew it!!!

  24. What a neat transformation! Congrats.

  25. You are THE Queen, that is a gorgeous transformation. Now you can make some beautiful cushions for the stunning wicker chair. Absolutely love what you have done to the desk and the handles are beautiful.
    We have the same phone, snap!

  26. You know, I really need you to come to my house and do something with my rooms. If you want to make a trip to NC, USA, let me know. I promise I'll keep the Malarkey Mutts out of your hair. (You might be covered in theirs though.)

  27. I totally did not expect to see your furniture on either side of the door - what a genius idea!

    You really are very clever at imagining things before they are finished - plus you're willing to put in some elbow grease to achieve the results!

    guess that's why you're the queen! :)

  28. Way cool! You're inspiring me to get back to work on my guest room... ;]

  29. I love your 'once upon a time' stories xx That is a fabulous office and I love that desk, what a transformation!! I desperately need to get my office space sorted out...I have one of those large filing drawers that you have to put together yourself and it has been in pieces as I just can't seem to get my brain to think backwards to put the runners in. Everytime I set it out on the floor to do I get interupted. Its been 3 years now LOL Now I need a sewing room I will have to get onto that!
    My horse has had tummy ache all weekend and has already had two beers today.....looks like I am in for a few trips out to the laneway to see if she has performed and it is pissing down with rain tonight!

    Hope your weekend was better than mine xx

  30. It's lovely! Now I can imagine where you are when you respond to my early morning comments (you already know where I am...) :)


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