Thursday, January 13, 2011

Queensland Flood Appeal

I'm sure by now many of you are aware of the events over the past few weeks in Queensland, Australia, but most particularly the dreadful events of this week.  I learned tonight that my connection to these events has become more personal than I could have ever imagined. A relative of someone my husband knows has been officially listed as missing since the Toowomba flooding occured on Monday and obviously the outcome at this stage does not look positive.

Stories of tragedy, heroism and other truly unselfish acts have been coming out of the flood affected areas. Many parts of Queensland will be crippled for weeks, months and years to come. My heart goes out to all those affected. People have lost loved ones under the most tragic of circumstances, people have lost homes, and livelihoods. The sheer size of this situation defies belief.

Many blogs are running raffles and auctions to go towards the Premier's Flood Appeal.

A few that Im personally aware of are:

Jodie at Ric Rac
Melissa at Clothwork

Toni at Make It Perfect is putting up a list of auctions/raffles on her blog and you will be able to see that by clicking on the button below. The list will be up sometime in the next day or so. If you can, go and have a look and see if there's something you're interested in bidding on or buy a raffle ticket. It's for the best cause I can think of.


If you would prefer to make a financial donation direct you can go here .

Apologies for the 4th edit people. Im useless tonight...


  1. Thoughts and prayers are going out to you and the people of Queensland.

  2. The news reaching the States has just been unbelievable and horrifying. My heart goes out to you and your countrymen in Queensland. I'll check out the sites you posted.

  3. so glad you posted this! Today is the day my post is going up for this as well. I'm auctioning something.

  4. shay, it's mind boggling and it will take years for the recovery ... it's heartbreaking to watch and know how difficult the future will be ...

  5. Shay thanks for posting the links. I hope everything works out to the good for your husband's friend.

  6. Thank you for the info Shay. I will be sure to check it out and make a donation.

  7. It has been well frightening. My sister is in the middle of it. Her property is not far from Laidley but luckily her house was on a high point so the water didn't go through it but washed through either side of her property. She got her horses up to higher ground and she went up to stay with neighbors up the hill. She said on Wednesday she was able to get in supplies from the local Woollies but the numbers all doing the same were pretty out there and they do not expect supplies for weeks and because of the state of roads in and out of brisbane she has to stay put. But she said she is one of the lucky ones people around her have lost stock and more.

  8. Hope you get some positive news Shay, thanks for the plug my auction is up and running!

  9. It is awful isn't it Shay! My friend was in Toowoomba and sat and watched the water rush past.....she said it was really scary. She rang me early Tues to let me know she was OK but so many missing.....

    I think we will be short of groceries for a while as the state has been cut and all our food comes up from down south (after going down south from here first??) I am lucky as my neighbours have a great veggie garden and I have stocked up on the dry goods. I think it is going to be tough for many for a long time. And it is still raining lots up here!

  10. It is so scary how in a "civilized" and "modern" time period, we are reduced to such scary conditions.

    I'll be praying for the families affected and will be checking out the auction sites - thanks for the info!

  11. Thanks for the information and links. My heart goes out to all affected by the terrible flooding.

  12. thanks for the info...


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