Friday, January 07, 2011

Favourite Things Friday

Welcome to the first Favourite Things Friday for 2011!

If you're new to this little linky party the rules are easy. Write a post about one of your Favourite Things. Link up your post at the bottom of this post. Fabulous people will come and visit to gawk at your Favourite Thing. They'll leave you a comment telling you how wonderful your favourite thing is.  You get to go and gawk at other people's favourite things and leave your own comment. Simple!

At 5.30 pm last night , I was released from the obligation of work for three whole weeks. I'm pretty much beside myself with excitement . Holidays are my my favourite thing this week.  

It's been a year since I had holidays.  I'm not counting the week I had off in August when the new kitchen got installed and the week off sick in September when I had the whooping cough. Neither of those events were what I would call relaxing.

Holidays are a  time for shaking up your routine. For taking it easy.  For wandering, meandering, and dreaming. For doing all those things I don't normally have the freedom to do when I'm working.  Holidays are a welcome break from the rush, rush, rush I  do every other day.  Normally I have to try to squish everything I want to do around the things I have to do.

While I'm on holidays I'm going to finish some house projects that have been lurking for a while. My sewing machine and I are going to spend some quality time together. I'm going to go op shopping. I'll get creative with my culinary skills. I'm going to read lots of books and spend time with the people I love.  I'm going to be a lady of leisure.

The annual January house clean will  involve going through every single cupboard,  drawer and nook and cranny in the house tossing or donating things we haven't used in the last year. Pyjamaville will be an organised, clean , tidy machine by the time I'm finished!

I'm going to teach myself how to sleep in past 6.30am. I dream of "sleeping in". How do people do that?

And I am vowing not to spend the entire three weeks in my pyjamas at the computer. I have plans to achieve greatness.

So how do you spend your holidays?


  1. This sounds like fun, Shay. Have a a great holiday though it does sound as if it will be a busman's holiday

  2. It all sounds like fun but restful? ... I don't know. The bit about the cupboards doesn't anyway but I know what you mean. I get an itch to clean out cupboards every January but it doesn't last and I never get through them all. I blame the heat! Yikes but it's not hot here today - very wet again. I'm not complaining cos I like the cool relief it brings.
    Hope you enjoy your hols ( but I bet you spend lots of time on the computer !)

  3. You deserve it, my dear! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. What books are on your list?

    What recipes are on your list? qu

  4. Good luck with not spending 3 weeks in your PJ's....what are you wearing right now??? ;-)

    I can't join in this week as I have a bad case of Shingles thanks to MY relaxing holiday :-( Pain is not the word but each day it is supposed to be getting better so I am living in the moment and haven't much energy to blog...I'm just reading everyone elses :-)

    Enjoy the Holiday, it sounds like heaven!

  5. Sounds like a great way to spend a holiday! I hope you get everything done your heart desires, plus a lot of relaxation time. Enjoy!

  6. You definitely deserve a proper holiday where you are able to do what ever you want, and when you want. Good luck with sleeping in!!!!
    I really can't see how cleaning cupboards is something to look forward to on holidays.
    Enjoy your time off, hope it's peaceful, relaxing and of course, fun!

  7. Have a great break Shay if you get bored you can come and clean out my cupboards! :P

  8. Oh and you can clean out mine too, why didn't I think of that.
    You could do a tour of the world cleaning out people's cupboards!

  9. Enjoy your holiday! It's nice to get some of those chores off your list. I hope you have better luck spending time with your sewing machine than I did. There always seemed to be something else to do other than sew.

  10. I hope you have a wonderful holiday! Three weeks, that's amazing. I haven't had a three week holiday since I was a teenager... :). I hope you relax and are able to accomplish all that you want to.

    Definitely a wonderful favorite!

  11. Exept for the house cleaning part and the quality time I spent my vacation almost excactly like you want to spend yours. Most of the time I just bumped around on my couch, reading, sleeping, eating, sleeping and reading. It was wonderful, although I now think I should have done something mor productive. But oh well - maybe next time. Wishing you a wonderful time off work.

  12. holidays what are they? (apart from school ones) I really need one we had a eekend with friends over xmas but wow that's a distant memory :-( Will try to do linky + join up!

  13. I don't look forward to sorting through cupboards...but it's a job that has to be done because we may sell the house this spring!
    My sweeties says he has one draw, the rest being my stuff...damn, it's true.
    I'm an early riser, used to dream of sleeping in, with four babies in 5 years, going to convent school before that, I became an early riser. Still love being the only one up, having my coffee quietly reading or even going the the sewing machine's good for me. I'm never going to sleep in...ever!

  14. Wow I didi it, I did it...I am so proud of myself. I actually hesitated for a long time, because it is quite time consuming to write a favourite things post in two languages but I am planning to link up every week now...aren´t you proud of me:-)))

  15. Enjoy your time off. You deserve it!

  16. Ooh! Three whole weeks of time off from work sounds delicious! Enjoy the time. It sounds as if you have found several ways to fill in your days. Can't wait to hear all about it. :o)

    Happy Friday night! I'm going to blog hop around FTF though I'm not posting this week. My camera isn't cooperating. I'll play next week! :o)

  17. Hooray for time off! I hope you enjoy as many minutes of it as you can and I'm looking forward to seeing your accomplishments.

  18. Wow, I wish we got holidays like that. Around here, you have to work for a company 20 years to get 4 weeks of holiday and if I tried to take all that at once (yes, I'm a true fixture around here) my boss would have a stroke. Enjoy it. Buy new pyjamas and clean house in them. Here's wishing you needles that dull from use. Lane

  19. We're just coming off 3 weeks holiday, from school anyway. I have been so dang lazy and I love it. When the kids go back to school, I start my job. I think Monday is going to be tough. I will think be thinking of you enjoying your time off and that will help get me through.
    Well, not really, I'll most likely just be snarky when I think of you lazing around.

  20. Cool! Three weeks off! What wonderful plans. Enjoy! You so deserve it.

  21. I agree with you Shay. Sometimes puttering around your own house, doing household chores and nesting, can be the most relaxing, freeing thing. I had a long winter break and spent a great deal of time cleaning and organizing and when I went back to work it was refreshed and recharged because my house was in order.

  22. Good for you - I expect to see lots and lots of beautiful things after the three weeks.

  23. I was late with my post today. Computer issues. It's Saturday just about everywhere else!

  24. Hi Shay sorry you havent heard from me for a while but my puter wont open your blog for me !! & my notebook was freezing up every time I hooked onto the internet so anyway Ben changed the password & so far all good Im typing this fast in case :) hope Xmas was good for you Ive been super busy at work as there are 2 people off in the office enjoy your hols xx

  25. go forth and achieve!!!! yay.

    i spend my holidays in pajamas being a slug....and checking the computer at the end of the day. LOL!!!!

  26. Hey friend! I'm presenting you with the Stylish Blogger Award. Stop by and pick it up! Happy Saturday! :o)

    Larri at Seams Inspired

  27. hope you have loads of fun being a lady of leisure, its great to do this and not have to get up to do anything, cupboards - like my son says - whatever floats your boat! Enjoy!

  28. Sounds lovely, but be sure to visit us online occasionally. I, too, have problems sleeping in, but I seem to have cured myself this past vacation. Aaaahhh! I'm impressed with you put "have to do's" on your vacation to do list - I'm the type who sticks icky chores on the end of long, dreary work days - if the day is ruined already, might as well clean a toilet, right?


Thanks for taking the time to leave some comment love. Drop by and visit again sometime.