Saturday, December 04, 2010

Bah Humbug!

It is tradition that the first Saturday in December is Christmas Decorating Day. Christmas exploded with a vengeance at Maison Pyjamas today.

I love my house. It's small. It's cozy and it has a definite quirky feel. There are lots of "me " touches here. When the first Saturday in December arrives I feel equal parts of excitement and anxiety. Excitement because I get to see all the Christmas decorating booty  I haven't seen for 11 months.  Anxiety- because I will confess, I dont like clutter. And frankly all that green and gold and red throws the neutral feel I worked hard to create completely off. But I know it's only for a few weeks and so I live with it.

For a while it looked like Christmas had barfed all over my kitchen table.

This is what will greet you at my front door. Welcome. Come inside out of the blazing sun.

Except on days when I'm feeling anti-social. Then you can stay outside in the 9th circle of hell. Everyone has those days right?

Normal people have wreaths on their front doors. Not much here is ever normal.

Santa has already parked his boots in my entry foyer. I think he's planning to use my guest room. I guess it's not manners to tell Santa to bugger off.

My hall table- Martha I am not.

If you say Ho three times quickly it's swear word status is completely negated.

I finally found a use for that fish bowl I bought eons ago. I still cant recall why I bought it. Im not planning to get any fish.

 Earlier today you would have happened on one naked tree

and one fascinated cat...

Christmas stockings are hung on my unfinished dresser....

And, I'm ready to write Christmas lists.

And I wanted to share with you my first ever quilting and binding project. I made this years ago and it wasn't until I dragged it out of the box today that I realised how truly bad it is. It's heartening to know I've made progress in the time since then. The table runner is back in the box . I can do better.

And I present to you the 2010 Pyjamas Christmas Tree, which took all flipping afternoon to decorate.

This decorating frenzy is brought to you by the peer pressure of having American blog buddies who go all out at Christmas. Yes I caved in. I'm pathetic. I can pack all this stuff away the day after Christmas right?

P.S. You will be glad to know Santa came early this year and brought me new underpants...finally. Now I can have a medical emergency and not have to worry about cute young male doctors asking to see my butt.  I had so much stinking fun getting rid of the manky old stuff Im thinking of going bra shopping next.

What? It's not OK to flash your undies in public?


  1. *Groan* Now fellow Aussies are making me feel like I really should do something about the whole decorating thing...maybe tomorrow...or not...

  2. Hello! How lovely and fun post! Nice to have qute new underwears!
    Thank you so much visiting and leaving a lovely comment! The world is often small...
    Sunny wishes from Crete! Teje

  3. I love the door knocker and your xmas tree puts mine to shame, i think i need to buy some more decorations, the kids keep running off with them. Nice undies!

  4. Finally some new undies ! I've called off Christmas this year due to the floods and I haven't done any shopping .

  5. Now I'm feeling the pressure. I MIGHT get onto it tomorrow.
    PS Love the new undies. I think it is OK to show them in public as long as you aren't wearing them at the time !( though I doubt if any of us would mind that either ... as long as we all don't have to do it !)

  6. Undies kick arse.

    Actually, that's not quite correct, they COVER arse.

    I've shown mine off too.

  7. Nice tree, nice undies. You've got it going on. I have neither. And I can't sew. Obviously I need to get busy, here.

  8. One of our neighbours has had their tree up for 2 weeks, yes two weeks! Not only that, but the tree rotates every minute or so. My sweetie was walking by and thought he should have had more to drink as the tree moved! He had me go out and down the walk to their back door to look at it...gaudy and funny too.
    My daughter has hers up already too.a

  9. What? You're not going to have an undie tree? But they're so pretty and festive! :)

    I'm with you on the Bah Humbug to hauling out all the Christmas crap. I definitely do not get carried away. Because that's a lot of effort when I could be sitting on my un-festive bum, spying on everyone else's decorations and living vicariously.

    Your place really does look nice though, so perhaps I will follow suit soon. I love the welcome/go away sign!

  10. Great Christmas stuff and congratulations on the new underpants! I like a woman who has her priorities straight!

    Our tree will go up tomorrow. Once the lights are on it, I hand it off to kiddo and she does the rest. Now I just need to train her to take it down!

  11. Decorating? You're decorating already? Ha! We will spend the next two days painting the kitchen and the family room so we can decorate! Ba Humbug!

  12. Love the tree, love the entry table, love the underwear! You really do put us all to shame every stinkin weekend!

    I take all my Christmas decorations down before the New Year - I'm the only bah humbug in this house - talk about peer pressure.

    I for one think your house looks beautiful - I can't believe how much stuff you have!! (it all looked pretty cool on your kitchen table). We always break at least five things during the decorating progress - kind of pares things down nicely!

  13. You mean it's Christmas time already?? Groan...

    (LOVE THE UNDIES!!! Inspiring.)

  14. Cute panties! And it is totally ok to flash them in public as long as you're not wearing them. And they're clean.

    Love the tree. It is beautiful! I feel like I'm practically there. And get that table runner back out of the box. It is cute.

    I love your hall table. Who likes Martha anyway? She's insincere and self-absorbed.

    Your Christmas decorating is spectacular!

    xo -El

  15. Your decorations are beautiful..especially like your door knocker...thats cool...we bought our tree today and probably will put it up next weekend..can´t wait..

  16. I Like your reasoning for the new Undies...I want your door knocker I think it's Great...well done on the xmas deco's...

  17. Love the Xmas tree, lots and lots of decorations. I put mine up this weekend as well, but I don't have as many decorations boo hoo, mine's looking a little naked.
    Love all your other decorations around the house, very festive. I so want a door knocker like that.

    Wow very bright undies, the doctors will need to be wearing their sunglasses if you do have a medical emergency. A fabulous stash to keep you going.

    I'm off to search for my elusive Christmas house decorations, that were not in the box marked 'house decorations'.

  18. Looks fabulous over there! I too have a couple of "table toppers" that I made early on in my quilting career (5 years ago) and they will not lay flat for anything! I think I will be making new ones... (Love the undies!)

  19. what can I say that hasn't been said already? I love the door knocker and the decorations and even the undies.

    I am now feeling the pressure to decorate .. gotta get rid of more stuff so we can put up the fake, no, artificial tree.

    have a great rest of your weekend.

  20. Lookin' Christmassy! And I think it is ok to flash your undies in public, as long as your butt isn't in them. (Ya gotta have some sense of decorum!)

  21. LOve it! A new word I am always going to use, "manky."

  22. I love your xmas swag! I even loved it when it was xmas vomit, strewn across a table. Nice job.

  23. Whew, it's hard to keep up! Looking very festive over there, except I don't see any Xmas themed panties in that pile. Maybe you saved the candy stripes for your thongs?

  24. I have an idea! If you want to liven up your tree, put your undies on it. They are such purty colors your tree will be truly an original then!!
    Have a great day!

  25. While people may be aghast at the thought, there will be no decorations, not even a tree, at Shez Prairie Quilter this year. We just got a truckload of boxes unpacked and put away, and there is no way we're dragging ANYTHING back out right now.

    Bah Humbug indeed!

    But your house looks lovely. :-)

    Oh, and what cheerful undies! Guess Santa thought you were a good girl this year. ;-)

  26. That's a heck of a lot of underwear.

  27. I haven't gotten any where near Christmas in my house yet, except for the poinsettia someone gave me (in spite of me telling them to do so would be to sentence it to an early death). The last tree I had was used as a potty place for the foster dog we had at the time. So not pleasant!


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