Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thrifty Christmas Tuesday -Week 3 and 4

I just realised I should probably be counting down to Christmas not up...Apparently it's 38 days before the big day. That's just over 5 weeks so it's probably time to get a wriggle on with your thrifty/ homemade gifts. Still plenty of time. So this little linky party is hosted by Larri at Seams Inspired. If you want to get some craft on pop over and see what others have been getting up to !

I didn't post last week because we were busy helping Miss P move into her own place. I know it's wicked but I'm still doing the happy dance. So here's what has occured in the last two weeks.
The table runner finally has binding. Sort of. I still need to sew the back of the binding down. I'm showing it now because it may be a case of super gluing this down Christmas Eve.

I made coasters to go with the table runner. And I still need to sew them shut. But you get the idea right?  This could be a last minute jobby too the way things are looking here. I wish you could use a staple gun on all crafty pursuits. I love my staple gun.

We bought Little P this electric train from  an op shop.  The cogs in the wheels were broken so it didnt move on it's own. It still tooted and did all the other annoying train noises .  Mr. P called the manufacturer , flung off a photo of the cogs we needed via email  and  for the price of postage the cogs arrived and were inserted. It works just like a brand new one for 20% of the price. Thrifty indeed!

I made Miss P a diary cover when I whipped one up for myself on the weekend

And I finally managed to make a bag that didn't lose the handles when I turned it right side out. There is hope for me yet.

The inside is pretty too!

So that's my Mum taken care of, my sister partially done, something for Miss P , and Little P completely finished. Naturally I'm saving the biggest and hardest projects till last. How are you all  doing with your Christmas preparations?


  1. I recently made some bags and for the life of me could not figure out how to turn them so the inside fabric is right side out (see, even that confuses me). I finally got it though.

    I am inspired by your thrifty/handmade Christmas goal. If I can find the time, I am also going to do mostly the same. Wish me luck. lol

  2. Love them all...again! :o) I want to make some coasters. What size are yours? Do you place batting between the layers? I love the idea of using selvages. I'm still toying with the idea of sewing bags for my nieces. We'll see. Great job on all your finishes. Happy Thrifting! :o)

  3. What an awesome bunch of thriftiness! I love the bag with the psychedelic tree (am I dating myself using the word psychedelic?). I haven't even started on Christmas, except for one small hand-made thing that must remain incognito. :-)

  4. Very cool gifts! You make me feel really, really guilty. I'm not only not even going to try to make gifts, I can't even convince my self to do any shopping!

  5. Cute bag and journal cover! I really love the pretty table runner for your mum and I thought it was clever that you used bits of the selvage edge in the coasters. You are amazing!

    xo -El

  6. gasp! I somehow haven't been over here in a while. I LOVE the bag! I have the lining fabric in a baby blue/light green.

    I can't believe you guys fixed a broken electronic toy. I am SO impressed.


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