Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Slow Going-Thrifty Christmas Tuesday -Week 6

It's officially 24 days until Christmas and panic is starting to set in. Im really going to have to pull my finger out to get some handmade/thrifty gifts finished! Arghhhhhhhhhh!

Not much to report this week. I did some more work on the devil quilt which you can see here ...and that was the sum total of my week.

Move along people -nothing to see here...


  1. At least you did SOMETHING! :o)

    I have two pillows to make, some PJ pants for the kids, and a chair to sand and paint. I hope the rain stops soon...otherwise I may have to cover my living room in plastic ala "Dexter" style.

    Happy Thrifting! :o)

  2. Hello Your Royal Slackness
    I just had a terrible thought this afternoon, that I need to make some more Christmas presents for extra people, yikes. I thought I was all up to date, silly me.
    24 days aaaaargggghhhhhhh.

  3. You can do a lot in 24 days. Take a deep breath, you can do it!

    If it makes you feel any better, I'm not making any gifts, but I can't get into the Christmas feeling and am way behind on my shopping.

  4. Hey you STILL have 24 days...Mrs. Craftitall...you are so talented - you can get anything done in these 24 days.

  5. I read this post and had to pour myself another drink. I figure if I can stay just this side of drunk - I can get away with saying, "Is it Christmas Day already?"

  6. I can't look at these posts without getting a jolt of shock that Christmas is almost here!!!! I still have at least 6 presents to go. PRESSURE!!!!!


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