Friday, November 19, 2010

Favourite Things Friday

Welcome to another edition of FTF. So glad you could drop by and share it with us. Did you know you can join in? That's right! By writing your own post and adding a link at the bottom of this post you can share your favourite thing for this week with all the people who drop by here.

I had a guest room once for about a week. In between people moving out and other people moving in. Seriously. It was beautiful. It was coordinated. It was accessorised. The drawers had little hand soaps for guests and matching towels, and complimentary little shampoo and conditioner sachets and  it looked like a Parisian bed  and breakfast  suite. And I was happy dreaming of all the wonderful people who would come and stay in my guestroom and all the fun I would have making them feel like they were in a little B and B somewhere when in fact they would be staying at my home.

Then Miss P moved in, and the sewing room became her room and the guest room became a sewing room , because anyone who is anyone knows us sewing type people have to have a creative space so we don't drive other people mad with all our sewing type stuff spread all over the rest of the house.

And so for a  long long time my sachets of shampoo , and my fabulous guest linen and bedding and all my little Parisian touches were packed away just waiting for their time to shine. And for visitors to come and bask in the wonderfulness that would be  my guest bedroom.  Eventually.

And yesterday "eventually" finally arrived. I'm doing the happy dance. I have a grown up guest room!

My Favourite Thing this week is that all my planning and dreaming is finally starting to come together.  The sewing room is next. And I'm determined the computer room will be done by Christmas too. Along with all those nagging last kitchen reno bits!

What are your Favourite Things this week?

P.S. You're all invited to come and stay anytime you like. As long as I can see your return plane ticket first - because I know what "a few days" really means.


  1. I know what a few days means as well. I have had perpetual company for several months and now that they are all gone, I need to get myself in gear and reclaim my "guest/sewing" room. My sewing area was relegated to the dining room and I need to move it back.

    I love your guest room. Cant wait to see your sewing room redo.

  2. I'd just commented on Thursdays and up pops Fridays lol. Can't get used to the time differences (it's Thursday night now and I'm lying in bed surfing - but OMG, that room looks so grown up and sophisticated - if I had a room like that I'd be doing the happy dance too but alas I have to settle for chaos, clutter and rustic charm (kids do that to you don't they).

  3. How truly gorgeous and Parisian!'s lovely to see them arrive, and even lovelier to see them go.

  4. It's an absolutely beautiful room! I'm going to start saving up for a plane ticket, just so I can stay in that room! LOL What a wonderful favourite. Happy FTF! :o)

  5. very VERY pretty! I really love those colors! So mature!! :)
    Happy for you, dear!! Enjoy your empty nest - I LOVE mine!!!

  6. Have you heard the saying "guests are like fish... they go off after three days !" So true.
    I love it when you have your spare room all looking pretty and no-one's there to mess them up but of course it doesn't last. Your room looks lovely. Hope you manage to keep it that way for a while.

  7. Beautiful room, love the grown up black and white. Hope you have lots of fun visitors to grace it.

  8. I am so happy you have been able to re-claim some of your space. This room looks so welcoming. I am sure any of your guests would feel very welcome! Can't wait to see the other rooms!

  9. Ooh, and it is such a fabulous guest room. Love the black and white color scheme. So pretty.

    I'll be beaming in any day now--I wish.

  10. Wow, I am soooo impressed that you're all gorgeous already after yesterday's post!! Wow! (You'd better watch those invites - my son works for the airlines and we can fly for the cost of the taxes!!)

  11. I am sorry Mrs P you can never come to my place because my house will never be as clean and tidy as yours. Room looks very spesh.

  12. That room looks plain inviting!!! I'll surely come over for a day or two when I come down under... :)

  13. Now that is swish - love all the little touches like the towel basket with matching trim. Do you keep finding yourself walking in there - just to admire it?

  14. Oh how lovely...wish my guest room was that pretty...I'm working on it, but couldn't yet decide what exactly I want it to look like. Yours is awesome. Just send my husband the link so he knows what we're saving our money for...why do you have to live so far away :-(( - well I'll be there oneday..with a return ticket

  15. Love the room! So inviting! Enjoy it while you can :)

  16. Your guest room is gorgeous!!
    Looks like grown ups only tho ;-)

  17. I love the black and white! When I was young(er), I wanted black and white decor, with some color accents (different in each room). Then I had kids....and dogs. Brown is good. I'm not particularly fond of brown, but it hides the stains.

  18. WOW the room looks fantastic, you have a real eye for style, the black and white very chic bien sur!

  19. You have great taste, Ms. P, in decorating, at least. (Can't comment on any other area :)) The airlines are running a special from LA to Sydney and I'm athinkin'. . . Seeing your room has inspired me to get in and do something with my guest room--but I'm afraid if I do, one of thekids will move back. NOOOOOO!

  20. You have great taste, Ms. P, in decorating, at least. (Can't comment on any other area :)) The airlines are running a special from LA to Sydney and I'm athinkin'. . . Seeing your room has inspired me to get in and do something with my guest room--but I'm afraid if I do, one of the kids will move back. NOOOOOO!

  21. As it so happens, I am in need of a lovely holiday with a stay at a Parisian B&B, so I'll be right on over. Really, I'll just stay for a few days.

    xo -El

  22. Very, very ooo la la and grown up, Shay! Gorgeous. I'd say you worked your butt off after coming home the night before, to get it looking so wonderful. Definitely check return trip tickets on your guests, LOL!

  23. your house is so clean!!! Mine was yesterday - but that was a full 27 hours ago!

    Love your guest room! It's very uncluttered but beautiful!

    I am feeling a little too grumpy to do a FTF this week....promise I'll do one next week :)

  24. I love the guest room! Much as I like a lot of color in the right circumstances, the black and cream color palette here is very soothing and restful--perfect!

  25. Okay, Mrs. P. I hope you know what you are doing. You know making your guest room over is like an Invitation for someone to call you and beg to move in. Right? It's beautiful, though. btw, what's your phone number?

  26. Oooh loving the guest room Shay, just picturing myself in the bed waiting for breakfast to be served. he he he. In return I will offer to iron your seams.
    It looks beautiful, you must be very pleased that you have both your sewing room and guest room back to "normal".

  27. That's it, I'm booking a ticket! I love the room. Froget a few days - I'll be your personal seam presser and just take room and Slack Tea board as payment. It's an offer you can't refuse, right?


Thanks for taking the time to leave some comment love. Drop by and visit again sometime.