Friday, November 12, 2010

Favourite Things Friday

It's Favourite Things Friday! I love Fridays and not just because it's often my day off. Nah ha's because I get to see what your favourite things are.   So, link up at the bottom and show it off!

In April 2008 my nephew asked if he could come and stay with us for " a few weeks".  He finally moved out in July 2009,  14 months later. Mr. P and I did the happy dance because we finally had the house to ourselves.  I moved my sewing room into the large spare bedroom and planned and set up the most beautiful guest room in the history of guest bedrooms. I had guest soap, and special towels, and my sewing room rocked.  I dreamed about what my life was going to be like. For the first time ever it was just going to be Mr. P and me.  

Twelve days later (!!!) Miss P called and asked if she and 2 week old Little P could move in for "a few months".  I have come to realise that anytime anyone in our family uses the phrase "a few "  in relation to time it actually means practically forever. We accepted that the universe had other plans for us. I know that life  is a bit like nailing jelly to a tree. Unpredictable.

So for the last 14 months we've watched Little P grow, and at times Miss P struggle with parenting, financial management and participating in a household where we expected her to act like an adult. We've had drama. We've had mess. We've had to put all our breakables away as Little P got mobile. Some times we weren't quick enough and the breakables got broken. We've taught and skilled up Miss P , and chatted about all the wonderful things that she can do when she starts life in her own place. And I've watched her grow and make mistakes, and do amazing things too.  That's life. But, as much as I love both of them I've dreamed of the day when it would be just me and Mr. P . 

When Miss P and Little P take flight , I'll be able to find a sharp razor in my bathroom.  I won't have to share my hair products. My straightener will be  mine again. I won't have to go towel hunting. My house will stay clean. I wont have to pick up toys .  When I get home from a long day at work there will be no noise or distraction, I'll be able to relax. Dishes will go straight in the dishwasher. I wont have to scale a 6 foot pile of dirty laundry to get to the a washing machine. There won't be mess.  I won't have to worry about Little P eating pins or other foreign objects. I won't find juice leaking onto my carpet from an upturned cup.(why does that always happen with blackcurrant juice and when will I learn to only buy apple !)  If I want to I can eat sandwiches for dinner for a week.

And this week ,  that day finally arrived. It's just me and Mr. P . Finally. Miss P and Little P moved out to make their way in the world for the first time .  And while their road might be bumpy at  times, I have faith they can make it on their own.

It's bittersweet. I'm doing the happy dance - for the first time in 20 years my house is kid free. But man,  I miss them already.

P.S. But, I am loving my quiet, clean house. That's my favourite thing. And Other Nephew of Pyjamas you absolutely , positively cannot come to stay for a few weeks. I know what that old chestnut really means....


  1. ONOP asked if he can do a sleepover instead....

  2. So happy for you that you have the house to yourselves .. that happened to us once for a month, then my parents came for six months and two of my sons moved back .. just waiting for that empty nest!

  3. Shhhhh...I think if you say how happy you are that the house is finally empty - you will be in trouble. Somehow the universe will hear it and send some unknown relative that needs your help and a nice place to stay! I hope you enjoy your peace and quiet!

    I will be interested to find out what you and Mr. P are doing with all the alone time - hmmm...perhaps you should e-mail me and not post it!

    Enjoy - you deserve peach and quiet!

  4. That's great. I'm very happy for you getting to spend some time with your husband. I keep saying I can't wait for my daughter to go off to college for the same reason. The problem is she might not be going that far away!

  5. see Mrs. P .. all good things come to those who wait... and wait and wait.

    Watching 'em grow and mature is very rewarding (ha, this coming from the childless one -- but my clients are my kids!)

  6. Our children belong to the boomerang generation - they keep coming back ! We have been on our own for a couple of years now and I have to say I love it. I love to have them back to visit and I'm glad when they are all gone once again and I can sit down and relax! Two meals are so much easier to get than four ...or worse , six !!!
    And only your own mess!!

  7. ahhh, peace and quiet is wonderful, hope you enjoy it!

  8. That time for me is so far in the future I don't think we had better think about it for now. Though my son has quite often told me that when he is older he is going to go and live with nana. Think he has changed his mind recently as it looked like she might need 24 hour care, though now she has fully recovered. I will join in for FFF just as soon as I can think of something enjoy the quiet.

  9. Congratulations Mrs. P on getting your house back!

  10. Now that was worth the very long wait. How wonderful to finally be able to just relax in your house with no more children permanently around, your dream of just you and Mr P finally coming to fruition.
    Now it will be really nice when Little P comes for a short visit.
    The best thing of all is you get your guest room and sewing room back, finally. Yippee!

  11. Lucky you...see..good things do happen - sometime :-)
    I can't wait for mine to move out either. Last summer we had three weeks without any kids - that was just awesome.
    Enjoy your peace and quiet and get that guest room fixed up - you never know when I'll show up "to stay just a few days" :-))

  12. Hooray for you! I crave quiet and clean. I'm so happy for you. Excellent Friday Favourite!

    PS...Does this mean your guest room is available for guests? I'm thinking of packing up and taking a trip. Australia seems a good destination. ;o)

  13. It is a long time for me too. Something to do with having a hundred children. My youngest is only 10. Of course, I am still hanging out for the day the 24 year old leaves. Again.

  14. I'm old enough that there is no way the kids would ever, and I mean ever want to come back!
    The little P, well, that would be different...peace and quiet...ah you must love it!

  15. Oh, how I longingly remember the days when it was just the two of us. And, then we took in a pre-teen. Clearly, we are not very smart. Enjoy the time. I'm sure you'll love your empty nest. Lane

  16. Well it sounds like you deserve a bit of time just for the two of you. Enjoy it.
    I'm not FTFing this week, I just haven't organised anything. Normal service will be resumed next time!

  17. Congratulations! I'm sure you miss them, but here's hoping you and Mr P enjoy your quiet and clean house.

    This FTF was worth waiting for - mostly for you, but for us as well!!

  18. Congrats and hugs, Mrs. P. Life's big changes never encompass just one simple emotion.

  19. Fantastic - room to move and peace to contemplate all the lovelies in the sewing room.

  20. Oh, Ms. P, I do hear you. Three times I've turned my spare room into my sewing room and three times one of the kids has moved home within a month. We've been empty nesters for the last 3 months and I love it! I'm afraid to move my sewing things in case that triggers another kid moving back home!

  21. joining in your happy dance, but sooo understand missing miss p and baby p...but that what we call *visiting.* :)

    hugs to you!

  22. Congrats Mrs. P. I know exactly what you mean. I think the trick is to NOT beautify the "guest room" because the minute you do, you attract a "guest". Seen it happen with my own eyes, more than once. Enjoy the quiet. Beware of suitcases disguised as pocketbooks.

  23. It must be very bitter-sweet! I'm so glad that you've got your castle back all to yourself though. Goodness knows you need it. Here's hoping Little P and Miss P spread their wings and fly.

    xo -El


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