Wednesday, October 06, 2010

My Postman Thinks I'm a Drug dealer

Sometimes when I'm not crafting, working,  blogging or writing a master plan for my life, I think...This week I pondered why my postman thinks I'm a drug dealer.

I'm currently expecting about 10 parcels. Some of them I've been anticipating for 4-6  weeks. I could WALK those parcels here faster from  Kentucky USA.  Are customs messing with my mail? Do they suspect me of drug running? Why aren't those parcels in my possession? What's the hold up with my mail guys?

There is only one reasonable explanation. Australia Post suspects me of being a drug dealer. All my parcels are being held at the mail collections centre and being surreptitiously slit open so they can check for ice, or crack or whatever the trendy drug is these days. Maybe they're washing out my fabric hoping to get the washed in heroin out of it.  Trust me AP, I'm so boring I don't even take Panadol. Deliver my stuff ! I need it to make uber awesome bright happy cheery quilts with it. 

Fortunately these two parcels made it through in the last couple of weeks.
First from Marg for my birthday. (This took two weeks to make the arduous journey from her place to mine and we live in the same country.) Conversely I ordered fabric from America last Friday and it arrived today - go figure.

I have had the same pin cushion since about 1994. Thankfully I can now replace it with this luscious creation. Hand made by Marg. Isn't she talented?  And then I can make some trendy new modern quilts with the patterns in this book which has been on my wish list at The Book Depository for quite a while.  (pretty sure this is payback for the jelly roll quilt book I sent her for her birthday in July because she and I both need more projects on the go- bah ha ha )

How cute  are these little  buttons?  When Little Miss Sunshine visits, this cushion will greet her in my guest bedroom. And you too,  if you come to stay at Maison Pyjamas.

And for no reason at all Deb sent me this parcel which arrived yesterday. Actually the reason is because Deb is just so lovely and wonderful and lots of other adjectives that describe fabulous-ness.

Signage for the Royal Kitchen. Candle melt for the sewing room. Tea Towel so I can look at it and remember a time when I had to do dishes, and a gorgeous friendship book which will remind me of my fabulous New Zealand friend. (New Zealanders are honourary Aussies you know )

Thank you Marg and Deb. You're both total sweethearts. 

P.S. I'm not a drug dealer by the way in case you're wondering. I read that washing heroin in and washing heroin out of fabric trick in a book once.


  1. Sometimes I wonder about our 'wonderful' postal service.....washing the drugs out of your fabric is on a par with my being asked to remove plaster from my broken arm last year at Los Angeles airport on the way home from Canada, just in case I was smuggling anything suss under it. I said no, my arm is broken, and I was allowed through after being frisked just in case.

  2. Next time I will deliver them in person, that is not a threat, just a promise. AP sucks.
    Looking at the cushion now, one word comes to mind - Collingwood, aargh. Sorry!
    Are you definitely saying you are not a drug dealer,how many people know about washing heroin in and out??????

  3. The postal system is a mystery. I will never understand why something local can take longer to get here than something from across the country. It's just one of those things.

  4. USPS isn't much better somedays ... I mailed payroll checks to client 55 miles away in 1995 and they still haven't arrived...and it was for delivery in a box at the PO not at the clients ... go figure .... my home mailman is good --he delivers my packages to me at office rather than leave at mailbox at the farm ...

  5. Maybe it's the US postal system? Maybe they knew I was coveting the fabric and it's been re-routed to VA. I'll let you know if it turns up. :)

  6. Good to know you are not a drug dealer - though that is an interesting piece of information you shared.

    Hey - my mailman kept something from me for 5 weeks once. They have no idea how much we need these packages!

    Gorgeous gifts you received.

  7. I found your blog through Nanci's and I have to say you had me in stitches last night. Another funny post - thanks for the laugh this morning.

  8. Sure glad to hear you`re not a drug dealer....and loooove to read your posts. I just love your style of writing-makes me giggle every day. Thanks so much

  9. awwwww....adore that pin cushion to pieces and your gift from deb is FAB too.

    glad you explained the washing fabric idea from a book at the last. i was lost. ha!

  10. Great gifts. That book is lovely, I've got lots of things I want to do out of it to add to the very long list I already had!

  11. Hey! You got good stuff Mrs P!

    Yes, there is no logic to the postal system. I order books from the US, sometimes I get the book a week after the email saying they have posted them, and other times it is 6 weeks. Go figure!

  12. I bet your postal officials don't really think you're a drug dealer. There's probably a quilter in the bunch, who just has to open your packages and fondle your fabrics. ;-)

    Wow! You made out like a bandit for your birthday. Marg is one talented lady all right. Very cool things from Debbie too.

  13. Terrific gifts! Sorry the postie only brought you these lovelies, you poor, poor thing.

  14. What awesome goodies! Marg's pincushion is totally fabulous!

    When I was in Brasil, every package was opened for inspection. Seriously. My grandma sent me a box of sweets once and the pack of gum she sent was opened with two sticks missing. I kid you not. Oh, and my mom sent me a dress once. It never arrived. I fully expected to run into a postal worker wearing it one day.

    xo -El

  15. My husband has traveled to Australia from the US several times. He tells me they pull his work boots out of his luggage and clean them when he enters the country. No telling what they do with packages!

  16. great birthday gifts! You deserve them, the way you brighten all of our days!

  17. I think someone in the post office is a quilter or a black market fabric dealer. You always have beautiful fabric and I am sure it would bring in big bucks on the black market!

    Marg is a wonderful woman and she gifted you with a very lovely pillow and pincusion! I wish I could come and lay my head on your new pillow!

  18. How cool to get fun packages like that! I think I need that City Quilts book. Love the Enjoy sign. It's going to look fabulous in your new kitchen.

  19. You'd better be careful what you say on your blog . Big Brother is probably listening ( or reading ) via a satellite or a secret station on the moon! I'd stay away from Bali if I were you. I think the international vice squad are onto you !!!

    PS We'll hide you up here if you need to go under cover !

  20. mmmm, I never thought of included some illict--next time maybe.......



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