Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Land of the Living

Last week I planned to have a flat out week getting things done around here, in addition to all the stuff I do outside of here ,  but the whoopy cough got me. So I spent last week relaxing and resting, which did me the world of good. However, I go back to the real world tomorrow so I've spent the last couple of days easing out of being a total sloth. My blog title this week should have been  "I'm Living In My Pyjamas".

I found a fire extinguisher among the mess in my sewing room.  Which just proves that sometimes I'm so creative I'm on fire. Sewing room tidied - check.

I finished 10 more Blocks  for Indy and Lola's String quilt. Right after I spent a couple of hours cutting strings from my stash. A  basket of strings is a visual feast full of  unknown possibility.

THE BLACKWOOD CHAIR makes a re-appearance this week. It's naked-ness has been covered with two coats of primer.   Progress.

I primed this old picture frame ready to be made into something (hopefully) gorgeous. You'll see it if it turns out like my original vision. If not you'll never hear about it again.

I looked at a box of partially completed blocks that had been in WIP-Less Protection (I'm coining that phrase by the way )  since February and thought if "I don't start doing this  bit by bit it's never going to be finished".   I'm not feeling super confident that my points will match up but it's all a learning process. I sewed 50 pairs of these together this week.  

I bought these two leadlight doors as a feature for the kitchen windowsill. (Why do I keep buying things that need to be painted?)

I wish I'd never told Mr. P I have a blog because it's hard to keep my fabric buying addiction  a secret when he comes on here and reads about it. 6 yards of Hushabye  to back the snowball quilt (eventually ) at a bargain price.

And my finger slipped on another US eBay auction ...and I accidentally bought these appliques as well.  66 of them.

Spotlight and I got friendly yesterday and I bought more lime green thread. The other one is still in the void somewhere that also eats odd socks. Little P's quilt is now 2/3rds quilted. Said quilt did not want orange quilting in it. Everytime I tried to use orange it went loopy at the back. Finally I took the hint and did extra red.

I'm offering a prize to the person who can guess correctly what I'm going to do with the picture frame. Four fat quarters of Kashmir IV by Moda. (Featured in the windmill blocks above). If more than one person guesses correctly I'll do a random drawing from all the correct entries. You have until my Slack Tea Thursday post this week to have a guess.

My Goals for this week:
Back to work
10 More Indy and Lola Quilt Blocks
Paint the Blackwood Chair and Picture Frame
Finish Quilting Little P's quilt
Start the desk re-do (more sanding !)

So what are your goals for this week?


  1. Oh my goodness! You are supposed to be sick woman! Not super-do-everything-woman! No clue what you are going to do with the frame. Perhaps that's actually your plan (No clue, think about it later) and I will win the kashmir IV!!! Cause I love it! Hope you have a great week!

  2. umm...Hello...R&R means Rest and Relaxation, not Restless and Running About! What's a string quilt? I have no idea about the frame. Glad you're feeling better. Can you come clean my sewing room? Happy End of Sunday! :o) Larri at Seams Inspired

  3. I am not sick and didn't much done at on the other hand...are a dynamo! Hmm ..the frame..... no idea.....hearts maybe....or maybe just put it on the wall as you can tell I am tired and have no clever ideas tonight.......take it easy at work this will need to after your achievements this week!

  4. PJ's sure make comfy work clothes. Good to see you used your off work time wisely and got to do some of the things that help you rest and relax.
    Can't wait to see that finished quilt and all your new purchases, those hearts look cute.
    Have a super slow week at work.

  5. Good to hear you are feeling a little better even though it means you have to go back to work......perhaps you will paint your picture frame white and use it to frame some gorgeous fabric.

  6. Umm, if I had an excuse to do nothing, I'm pretty sure I'd ACTUALLY take that excuse.

    That aside, I hope you are feeling better AND feeling good you managed to be productive in your time off. The blocks all look nice and I can't wait to see the chair finished.

    The frame? I have no clue, umm, a fabric covered bulletin board to go in the sewing room to keep track of your projects?

  7. Oh, and by the way, I have often felt the same about ever telling the hubs I have a blog.

  8. LOL! My hubby knows I have a blog, but I doubt he even knows the name of it! I think I am safe posting about my sneaky purchases.

    Don't know what you're planning with your frame, but I'll tell you what I just did with one. I painted the frame white first. DH took the door off an old refrigerator that someone was junking and cut a section of it to fit in the frame. He had to scrape the foam off the back, but we were left with a nice, fairly thin piece of lightly textured metal.

    Then I painted it with that black chalkboard paint and we put it in the frame. Ta da! A magnet board/chalkboard to hang near my first grader's desk. It looks really cute and is holding up really well so far.

    Here's a link to a pic of it:

  9. God, I can't even keep up with you when you're sick !!!

  10. Sorry you had the poopy whoopy cough. You really seem to have gotten a lot accomplished on your down time.

    I don't know what Kashmir looks like, but I'm sure it's beautiful (all I can think of is the Led Zep song). Anyway, I'll take a stab that you're going to use the frame to frame some kind of fabric-covered board, maybe a message board with cork underneath?

    Goals? What are those? If I had one, it would be striking a better balance between computer time and sewing time. I've had to work more than usual this past week and it's kicking my creative butt.

  11. Well I'm sure glad you're feeling better - but I#m wondering, what you get achived when you are really amazing..and such beautiful things.

  12. Glad to hear you are feeling better. What's going to happen with the frame...buttons? Truly, I have no idea. But I'll go with framing some small quilt and something to do with buttons. Final answer.

  13. I have no goals, I gave them up years ago after failing miserably at them again and again. Something I hope to get accomplished this week: Finish my 'Gathered from the Garden' quilt - at least get all the applique prepped to take with me to the Quilt Fest in early October! P.S. - not to criticize, but was that picture of the sewing room AFTER it was tidied? I guess you ARE sick. P.S.S. Painting makes me tired and grouchy - you go, girl!

  14. You seriously want us to guess what you're going to do with the frame with only the name of the fabric line as a clue? The possibilities are endless. How about a bulletin board? Not super clever or original, but that's all I've got.

    Glad you got the Hushabye for your quilt back. And those WIP-Less Protection (funny, but doesn't really make sense) blocks you're working on are awesome.

    About all the painting. Do you have a room for that? And how do you deal with all the mess and clean up? I don't mind the painting itself, but the clean up is what keeps me away. I hate dealing with washing out the brushes and rollers and finding spots of paint on my arm three days later.

    Hope you get lots done this week.

    xo -E

    P.S. I'm thinking of switching up my signature from just E to El. What do you think? Does it conjure up images of masked marauders, or do you think tall, insanely gorgeous underwear model?

  15. Wait, the name of the fabric is what you're giving away if we guess what you're doing with the frame? I should read more carefully. I really have no clue now.

    And you wanted to know what my goals for the week are. Do I get a prize if I have the most goals?

    xo -El (whaddya think?)

  16. Mrs. P. your definition of R&R is quite different from mine. Whew! You got a lot done. The only thing on the list I might consider doing while I was supposed to be resting is cutting strings.

    In any case, I'm very glad you're feeling better.

    My goal for this next week is not to lose my mind. Trying to pin things down about the move is like trying to herd cats.

  17. Hmmm...goals for the week?

    Just to survive (as it is school holidays and the boys are grounded) would be good and hopefully some rows on my shawl!

    I am using the circular needles because it started with 2 stitches but it ends up with about 450 on the needles!!!! What was I thinking????

  18. Well I don't think you really know what you are going to do with the frame but want us all to guess and then you will have some ideas to play with--roflmao.
    Nah, I think you will paint a backing board with chalk board paint and then put it in the frame and hang it in your new kitchen to write things on eg. shopping lists.

    Plans for my week,mammogram then get through the first week of full time work and be alive at the end. Hopefully a bit of relaxing stitching also.

  19. Have you really been sick all week? You made it sound like you were just being lazy in your pyjamas! So tough, lady. Way to go with the productivity, though.

  20. I have no idea what you're making with the frame and fabric, decoupage maybe.
    You know this fabric thing is getting weird,I've been making hexies out of Kashmir IV all summer!

    Glad to here you're feeling better now.

  21. Are you going to turn it into a bulletin board

  22. My goal for this week is to get back into the swing of things after being on vacation. It has been hard to get motivated today. Maybe tomorrow!


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