Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Chair Tale

I'm in the process of losing my voice. Mr. P is secretly thrilled. There will be no respite for you lot- I can still type. Sorry.

It's been a lazy day at Maison Pyjamas. I wasn't completely idle but Sunday certainly lacked the frenzied  sewing achievements of the past two weekends. Sometimes you just have to take it easy ya know? 

Today I set about finishing the stripping of THE BLACKWOOD CHAIR.  (Yes we have come to think of the chair in capitals ) Cost of Chair 20 bucks. Cost to get it to this point- about 50 bucks worth of sanding sheets and paint stripper, four fingernails  and approximately 1287 hours of labour.   Madness. I'd better love the socks off it when it's finished.

P.S. Thank you everyone for your comments on my "Yay , I'm not dying post". I was a little overcome to be honest. Who says bloggy friends aren't real friends eh? (Yep I'm practicing Canadian, Nanci)


  1. The naked chair looks good - it will be an asset worth all that time.

    Hope your voice hurries back soon.

  2. Good to see you did actually get out there to work on the beast! Yeah...we love ya...and are glad you are ok! bloggy friends are awesome!

  3. Love THE BLACKWOOD CHAIR. Will it have its own plaque when you are done? Can't wait to see it. Sorry about the nails, though.

  4. The chair looks like it will be nice so keep the photos coming.

  5. After sanding and painting a chair for my sewing room, I have great respect for anyone willing to go the extra mile to restore a piece of furniture. Ugh! It's so not fun. I can't wait to see how your chair turns out. Bloggy Friends are fabulous, like you. Happy Sunday night!
    Larri at Seams Inspired

  6. THANK YOU for posting this. After seeing all your refinishing projects, I was starting to think I could do this for some front porch rockers salvaged from an "antique" store nearby.

    However, something kept holding me back and today's post let me remember what. I HATE sanding and refinishing. lol

    I do hope you like your finished project.

  7. Ha, ha! I loved the cost analysis. Sometimes these special projects we take on 'cost' more than we think. I started stripping and sanding down a set of bunk beds once. I didn't made it through the rough sanding and then gave up.

    Hope the chair comes out fabulously!

    xo -E

  8. Good on you I would have given up at the first broken finger nail. Those chairs are going to be awesome.

  9. Wow you've finally finished sanding it, keep the photos coming please so we can see the next stage. I would have given up at 1 hour let alone 1287 hours.
    Awesome friends for an awesome person!!!!


  10. I love the "bones" of that chair. I'm sure your efforts will be well worth it.

  11. You are losing your voice? I think I am losing my mind!! Only 4 days till school holidays....but who is counting? Damn right I am....and then after 2 pyjama days I will be counting down till they go back to school :-)

    PS Nice chair!

  12. A beautiful piece of funiture to treasure...

  13. I had a (benign) tumor on my thyroid that was wrapped around my vocal cord nerves, my voice has never been the same and I'm SURE my hubby loves it!

  14. Hey, that looks like progress though! I bet you'll love it when you're done.

    Sorry you're losing your voice. Is it from screaming at the chair or are you sick? Hope it's the former and not the latter.


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