Thursday, July 22, 2010

Slack Tea Thursday

OK, first off today I was exposed to the ridiculous-ness that is Christmas in July...I think this is some weird arse Aussie invention specifically so we can experience  what it's like to eat traditional Christmas fare when it's cold outside like all you Northern hemisphere people do when it's actually the real Christmas. As if once a year isn't stressful enough.   It's also a time to do secret freaking Santa, (I don't even do that at real Christmas ) and eat a lot of food that is usually reserved for one day of the year.  I do wonder what Christians think of this extra Christmas- are they offended by us making this special event into an eat fest? If you are offended I would like to point out I didn't eat much in silent protest and thought about having an asthma attack before dessert so I retired to my office and did some actual work once the threat of imminent death had passed.

Anyway  we all had to bring a plate - and I baked a ham. That's my usual Christmas thing. I sustained injuries carving it with the shitty blunt work  knives , but nobody is dead from eating the baked ham (yet ) so it was a rip roaring success.  Here is a picture of my injured hand . I know that wrinkles and spots aren't injuries, I was talking about the bandaid-ed fingers...but totally off topic when did my hands get to look like little sausages ? Don't email to tell me that my hands look like kid hands- everyone tells me that (and in fact I do fit into kid gloves...not the goat kind - the little person kind )

Anyway . after getting home sometime well after my usual time, I couldn't make a decision about dinner, or whether I was even really hungry. It's getting to be slim pickin's here as we try to get rid of our pantry contents before I am cupboardless next week. OT again,  I'm actually finding it really hard to think at the moment. It's like my brain only has just so much space and it's already full of other crap .. really important details, some of which are threatening to leak out and be lost.  So when I opened the fridge I decided to have the first thing I saw. Thank Goodness we didn't have pickled herring or goats eyeballs in there.

*****BORING ALERT*****

Crumpets with Vegemite and chocolate milk.

I was hoping the food fairies might have snuck in and left me Vodka and lobster but no such luck...sigh.

A teeny tiny brag ...Little Pyjamas  turned one year old yesterday and got lots of presents. Little P - my birthday wish for you was that you have a happy life and end up a well rounded human being. And develop a sense of humour kid,  because being part of this family you' re going to need it. Bella and Grandpa love you so much! 

Little P's Party is on Sunday. I'll post pics then, because MOP and DOP  (Mum  and Dad  of Pyjamas )   will be there as well as SOP, and BILOP. (and all the other OP's) Wow I hope I can remember how to make sausage rolls before then because apparently I need to make about 100 of them...


  1. Good luck with the baking - I thought you were kitchen less??

    Glad there was something edible in the fridge. (Lobster and Vodka does sound more appetising though.)

  2. Partially kitchenless at present. Completely kitchenless from next Friday. It's going to be so much fun!

  3. I love reading your posts! Too funny. Well, not the sliced fingers ~ouch~. I have to say, that Vegemite does not look appetizing! It does remind me of the I Love Lucy episode where she was trying to sell the vitamin juice by a similar name. ;)

  4. You gotta watch out for those knives at work. There's a reason they aren't sharp. It's safer for co-workers. But, that also makes them very annoying. I am going to have to try vegemite. We always hear about it and I'm up for something wierd. I just have to find it and don't think it will be at my local grocer's. Lane

  5. Oh, God, don't let Lane try Vegemite. Hasn't he seen that video link from the other person who decided to try it? You'd better let him know!

    Here in the US, there are Christmas in July sales (not sure why) but we don't actually get together and eat. Good thing, too, 'cause it's too darned hot to eat all that heavy food we consume in December. Although, who am I kidding? I will eat nearly anything at any time and anywhere as long as someone else is preparing it!

  6. About Christmas in July: I'm sure the Christians aren't offended because we've all forgotten the real reason for it anyway. It's become all about the presents and food for us too. I'm with you, though. Why have that stress twice a year? I'm actually thinking of petitioning the government to make it an every-other-year kind of holiday because once a year is really too much.

    About your hand: what I noticed is your ring. It is very pretty!

    About Little P: your birthday wish for him is incredibly insightful. I wish the same thing for my kids. Oh, and I hope the party is really fun!

    About Slack Tea: Why is it that it never involves ice cream out of the container? Are you lactose intolerant or something?

    xo -E

  7. Sorry about the sliced finger. Oh and I can relate to having "kid" hands (also the little kind; not the goat kind).

    Christmas in July? Well while I do think that it is more fun to eat when it's cold, I'm not much of a holiday person in general. Maybe two holidays a year--one in the winter and one in the summer. For me, that would be Thanksgiving and Independence Day. Guess, I just like my routine too much. Oh, and on birthdays, most people forget mine anyway (gee, I wonder why as it occurs right in the middle of all the other freakin' holidays--December 30th--and they're all just trying to survive until after Jan 1.) so let's just do away with those for everyone over the age of say 25 or so.

  8. yum square crumpets. love square crumpets... only make round ones here now... very disapointing

  9. My christmas in july endeavours hasn't included food. My husband keeps looking at me strange when I say christmas in July as if I am from another planet. Aparrently it is huge in the US so they told me on Pat Sloan forum because that is when all the fabric companies release their christmas fabric. I don't feel like buying christmas fabric now though. I have a great sausage roll recipe if you get desperate but it involves an oven don't know if you have a working one of those.

  10. Are you going to show us pictures of your family? If so, I'm very excited! Sausage rolls? do tell!

    Your ring is very pretty -

    I've never heard of Christmas in July before...I, for one, am not offended...any excuse to eat, that's my motto!

  11. I thought of you last night when I got home...realised it was Thursday....and had my own "slack tea Thursday"......didn't feel hungry - or like cooking anything - looked in the pantry and fridge and decided on .....tah dah......canned apricots (WW of course!) and Low Fat ice part of living on my own I think...can have apricots and ice cream for dinner and no-one complains (or tells me I should be cooking something)....! you did well to do the baked ham with no kitchen.....!

  12. Ouch! Hope you didn't get too much blood on the ham slices. I don't know if I could be a real Aussie, I don't think I could even bring myself to TASTE that vegemite -looks like it ruined some perfectly good crumpets! P.S. How can you be losing weight eating that and chocolate milk? Not fair. I have given up sweets:(

  13. I guess those injuries put an end to your snowballing this week?

    I was wondering how you were going to make hundreds of sausage rolls in no kitchen as well??

    PS I am sure I am 2 kilos heavier thanks to all that yummy husband for once wasn't inspired to share with me so I can't blame him ;-)

  14. Ahh.... finally! A perfectly delicious looking slack tea thursday. Yum! I looooove crumpets and vegemite. My best. (For all you anti-vegemiters out there, the stuff is delicious if you know how to eat it.) And how could you go past the Classic Chocolate Milk? Wish I had that for dinner!

  15. Well, I admit to sewing a Christmas quilt this July (a first), but if I was forced to celebrate the holiday a second time, I'd be crabbier than a reindeer in 90-degree heat. Or maybe just a reindeer in heat. Period. Bwa-hahaha!

    Does you ever get a hankering for peanut butter?

  16. Oh crap, what is that, "Does you ever...?" Serves me right to sound dumb for asking what's probably a dumb question!

  17. Slack Thursday is never disappointing. Christmas in July sounds like a great idea. Tough on the fingers, though. HB to little P.

  18. I don't know about the Aussie take on Christmas in July - but it's all over the states, too. Just not the full celebration, mostly just decor. The point of it, as it seems to me, is to take a space of time outside of our US three months' of holidays when a person can take time to work up some peaceful creativity, and make things well in advance - all in the spirit of the thing.

    Not all of us, by the way, have forgotten the reason for the fest - but it applies every day of the year if you believe in it, yes? So who cares what day a person chooses? All I have to say about preparing the Christmas feast - the months' worth of special, traditional treats and the final meal - you couldn't pay me enough to do any part of it more than once a year.

    Cut myself the other day, too - and the knife wasn't even . . . what you said yours were. You should see my hands after a bout of stained glass.


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