Monday, June 21, 2010

A Surprise, A Snowball Update and a Mystery Meal

Confession- I did diddly squat in the snowball challenge  this week except cut those 2 inch squares ( I think I should get extra points since I cut about 260 of the little blighters) 

My plan was to come home tonight and sew up 5 snowballs  really quickly so I had something to show but my real life intruded  so I'm confessing instead. If that's the worst confession I ever have to make  then I should probably be sainted but since it's taken Mother Mary McKillop about 100 years to get there I don't think sainthood is very likely for lil ole me.  Oh and there's the small matter of not having performed a recognised miracle as well.  There is always next week. For the snowballs. Not for performing a miracle. Although if I pull off sanding that blackwood chair ....

My PO box is honestly  the most magical place on earth. Practically every time I open it  awesomely stupendous things  appear.  Fabric, shutters (that was hard to squish in there Mr. Postman but you still managed to deliver it unbroken) , notions and  food from far off lands.I had no idea going to my post office box could be so darned fun. Today's mail was no exception. The delightful Marg of Sunshine ?Paradise ? got fed up with me whinging about how cold it is here in the South (while she basks in the suns rays all year round and tells me about it constantly) and sent me this piece of hand made gorgeousness.

A hot water bottle and hand crocheted cover to keep my tootsies warm . How super freaking talented is she ? And yes indeedy those are my actual tootsies on my actual ottoman in my actual computer room. And there is actual hot water in that hot water bottle. Oh hot water bottle - how I love you so. She also sent me something else that I'll showcase when the new kitchen is finally done. Thank you Marg :)

Beck over at Sarcastic Quilter is on a quilting hiatus (head on over to her blog to find out why ) so she has decided to organise a weekly Mystery Meal Game  so she doesn't go completely crazy while she is quilt-less for the duration. You can play along too. C'mon - it'll be fun.

 I like to torture food in cruel and unusual ways. Unfortunately I inadvertently went too far tonight and the cheesy broccoli potatoes could not be revived.

                         Cheesy Broccoli soup anyone?
And my burgers did kind of explode. I don't know how I made exploding burgers - there was no gunpowder in the recipe but on the positive side I did get to drink some Southern Comfort while cooking because drinking is  part of the recipe people, it's in Becks post , and I couldn't do wine because all my wine glasses are packed away. And a girl can't be classy and drink wine out of a jam glass.

My burgers are not as "well done" as they appear , but that is indeed burger guts. Despite it all - these burgers were honestly the best burgers I have ever tasted. Really. I kid you not. Just call me Burger murderer. I double dare you to join us for next weeks recipe.

And everytime I mention snowballs I want some of those chocolate marshmallow snowballs covered in coconut, so you know what I'm caving in and getting some tomorrow. Why can't someone name a quilt block after lettuce or tofu or something healthy?  


  1. Personally, I do think you should get points for your 2" squares. It's all got to be done.

    Ah, isn't Marg a sweetie? I've only been reading her blog a short time, but the great tootsie warmer (gloriously covered hot water bottle) just confirms the wonderful impression I have of her. :-)

    Um...yes those burgers do a look a bit scary. So what is that stuff that exploded from them?

  2. I think you've performed two miracles in this single post. Cutting out all those squares must qualify you for sainthood, also, making food like that and your family is still alive.

  3. Mrs. P, I think you deserve Sainthood. Anyone that can survive a Laundry Room remodel and start up a Kitchen remodel right after it, is a Saint in my book.

    Dinner is interesting looking (interesting is the word I use when I don't want to say something ugly). Funny how things that don't always look good can taste good. Not the case with Vegemite!!

    Marg is a wonderful person and a prolific crocheter! You are indeed lucky to have her as a friend (as am I).

  4. I'm going to have to try out Beck's dinner this week (what did you do to those potatoes?) and watch for what is coming next week. That looks really yummy!

    I got all of my 2 1/2" squares cut (384 of them) and I think that cutting totally counts as progress!

    Oh, and I meant to say like four comments ago -- LOVE the pop-up window for comments! Thank you!

    xo -E

  5. Well at least you've admitted you haven't made any snowwballs. I'm trying not to talk about them and hoping no one inquires.

  6. Urg. The soup looked pre-masticated. Thanks for that! Can't comment on the burgers other than to echo Cynthia's "interesting"--glad they at least tasted good :)

    Progress is progress, I say, on the snowball blocks. You can't sew them if the bazillion pieces aren't cut, so I think you get a bye on this week.

    Lovely water bottle cover! I really need to get myself a hot water bottle for my tootsies too.

  7. Thank you very much for your very kind words Mrs P. It was a pleasure to make it for you and I am glad I can help keep your feet warm. BTW it's crappy weather here today, does that make you feel better.
    You did way more on your snowballs than I have done on mine. Mine are locked up and I might just throw away the key.
    OMG what did you do to the vegetables? I would say you were a vegetable murderer, except that I am nice and wouldn't say that to you. The burgers look unusual, different, interesting. I'm glad they taste nice because they sure don't look it.
    Now I have just blown the whole idea that I am a sweetie and a wonderful person, thank you Michelle and Cynthia for saying that, and I didn't even have to pay them.
    Now back to Mrs P as after all it is your blog.
    You rock Mrs P.
    Hugs and kisses xxxxxx

  8. I hate the new popup comment box because it appears to the left on my screen. I am definitely right-eyed and -handed when it comes to typing, so this gives me a headache. But it does look very cool.

    As for that food--let's just say it reminded me to ask how the boogie count was coming along in the Pyjama household.I hope you feel better than your dinner looked!

  9. I'm all for quadruple bonus points for anything smaller than a four inch square - you just got lots. At least now you are already for production line sewing when real life allows.

    MMmm chocolate snowballs - may just get some on the way back from work tonight to have with the hot chocolate! Yummm

  10. DANG GIRL!!! With that kind of advertisement no one's coming to my blog! If you wanted everyone to yourself, you should have just said so.

    Seriously, people, I don't know how the heck she got that broccoli so watery but I wonder, Ms. P, did you just put it in frozen and not thawed? That would account for extra water.

    As for the burger, I am betting it exploded b/c you didn't actually seal the meat around the filling. I only know from experience with homemade pierogies that not sealing causes explosions even if there is no gunpowder. :D

    On to your stuff...I'm convinced sainthood is in order b/c I don't feel blasphemous (how the hell do you spell that?) when I say cutting all those squares is a recognized miracle in the quilting world!

    (Can I say hell and blasphemous in the same sentence?)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. ps- there will always be something to drink in my meals. It is a meal, after all. Substitutions are allowed and even encouraged.

    Next up... hard liquor thanks to Ms. P, my only respondent this week to the meal.

  13. The green stuff is not's spinach dip. The burgers really were tasty even if they did look like the were ozzing something nasty.

    Alisa, I think they have developed cast iron stomachs in self defense over the years.

    Cynthia, thanks for not telling my my burgers were ugly by calling them intersting and then quantifying your statemtn. It kind of nullified the "interesting " description.

    E- could you make me feel any worse? I was questioned by the potato police today and had to lie to keep my arse out of vegie jail. I swear it wasnt my fault! So glad to hear you have cut your squares. Yes dang it - it does count as progress. You're welcome on the popup thingy, although I might have to change it back because it's giving vawriter headaches.

    Char- it's not a race. It's a process. I'm just mildly anal. Marg is enjoying it a lot arent you Marg?

    Annie, I checked to see if something was in the pot chewing it up but I couldnt find anything. it did look pre-chewed. I cant have Nigella days EVERY day.

    Marg, I totally suspect youre lying about your weather otdya in an effort for me not to hate your guts. And you are lovely.

    And yes va- I'm feeling much better. Especially since I now have 5 days off work.

    Mistea, did you get those snowballs...I didnt so nobody mention snowballs....

    Deleted comment - what did you write that was so bad it had to be deleted....

    Becks, did the freaking recipe say thaw the brocolli? Plus our brocolli looks like monster brocolli compared to yours. That threw me too. Next time I'm not looking at the pictures. Also I chucked all my cheese in at once. And boiled it. Accidentally. Because I was also killing the burgers at the time. At that point I think I was bending down to pick up my riot shield because the burgers started exploding....

    Also...yes you are going to the bad place for using that word with blasphemy in the same sentence. Also for not telling me I had to thaw the broccoli first. And whooooooo hoooooooo for hard booze. I probably already have what you'll choose in my pantry.

  14. Sigh...I thought I was safe not proofing my appears I was really really wrong.

  15. Okay, first, I'm deleted comment. it posted 2x on accident.

    Second, the ingredient list chica!

    "1 bag frozen broccoli cuts, thawed"

    Cuts generally means they are cut into pieces and thawed means just that. (It's really a cheater's way of not fitting it into the recipe. lol)

    Phew- not me this time... hehe

    I'm having trouble deciding what to do for dinner this week. Chicken maybe or pasta or... sigh.

  16. Mrs P, maybe you need glasses.

  17. OMG what did you do to your dinner?? I thought I was the worst cook in the world ;-0 I now am definitely vegetarian!!

    Isn't Marg a sweetie, I love her crochet, she is so neat!!


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