Thursday, June 24, 2010

Slack Tea Thursday

What do these two ingredients have in common ? Yes that's  right - they comprise the only two ingredients for tonight's edition of Slack Tea Thursday.

Before I reveal tonight's deliciousness  - I know you all appreciate a good back story so this is what happened today.

SOP(Sister of Pyjamas ) arrived yesterday-(that's why I haven't commented on many  blog posts for the last day and a half - sorry - I do love you all - I just love SOP more and spent yesterday buying cat litter trays and cat litter  - yes that's how excited I was she was coming- I was afraid I would mess myself...kidding - that stuff was for her husband ...I mean her cat,  and then I  spent all of last night at her place. When I finally put in an appearance here later -you'd all gone to bed and turned the lights out- what's up with that?

Because SOP has lived in the god forsaken wild wild Northern Territory for the last goodness knows how long- she hasn't seen or touched wool in the same amount of time, so when she arrived here in a sarong and thongs yesterday she was a mite cold. I suggested we go shopping today to buy her some appropriate attire  because she hasn't seen anything wintery in forever, basically she was freezing, she looked stupid in summer clothes in the dead of winter in a place where it is actually cold plus all the shops where she came from are crap.  

So today we ventured forth to the shops. 5 pairs of shoes, 3 pairs of boots, 3 pairs of jeans, a handbag , a grey wool coat , a  gorgeous purple cardigan , a grey wool tunic and 6 hours later we were finished. I can't remember what she bought - that lot was my haul. (I actually did have to make two runs back to the car to dump stuff because I couldn't  carry it all-that girl is a BAD influence) I am really hoping Mr. P forgets my blog address because I actually don't want him to see this because I only confessed to about half of it. I stuffed the rest under the bed on my arrival home approximately 3 minutes before he also arrived home (Whew that was close)

Anyway ...back to Slack Tea Thursday. So take your yogurt and Chocolate Nesquik and put  them in the same bowl. It is imperative you have enough Nesquik in the bowl along with your yogurt that you can use the legal definition of a mountain (rising 1000 feet above  ground level )  to describe the level of Nesquik-ness. Mine looked like this:

Stir it all together...

 Voila - Chocolate Yogurt

Basically I am eating yogurt and Nesquik  because I spent all our money and this is all I can afford now I was exhausted from all that shopping.

For those of you that wait for this post every week for an awesome slack meal idea I'm  sorry this is being posted late. You've probably given up by now and made toast .  I was trying to find ways to hide 8 pairs of shoes from Mr. P  places in my wardrobe for  my new shoes.

P.S. Adelaide people you have to try  Dreamy Donuts at Adelaide Airport  - they're just like Krispy Kreme. I can see myself lurking at the airport a LOT in the future.


  1. This slack tea I can actually do. I may even have the ingredients on hand!

    I am jealous of shopping day with sister. I want that purple cardigan, too, sight unseen.

    Shoes are my weakness, especially if everything else I try on makes me feel fat. We need pictures. Line those babies up when Mr. P is away of course, and snap a few for us.

    Your public can be so demanding!

  2. So glad to hear SOP arrived safely, if a little under-dressed. Your mountain of Nesquik analogy cracked me up.

  3. A mountain of Nesquick, a mountain of shoes. I love equality!

    Welcome, SOP, glad the shopping was first before you froze.

  4. So cool you're making up on lost time with your sister. I bet Mr. P might understand your splurge under the circumstances just this once. I mean, how long has it been since you've been able to shop with Sis? You had to make up for all of those years without. (You see where I'm going with this? ;-) )

    Actually, that Slack Tea meal doesn't sound so bad....

  5. Oh, I love Slack Tea this week! Chocolate for dinner -- brilliant!

    I'm so glad that SOP is finally there! Sisters are the best!

    Cheers, mate!
    xo -E

  6. How great that you and SOP could spend a day shopping together. You had better take her to spotlight with you and get her some wool too! I know exactly how she feels going from the tropics to Antarctica overnight!! She will be freezing her buns off :-) Send her foot template as well and I will make Granny Slippers for you feet are freezing just thinking about it and I am going to make mine a hot Nesquik instead of cold :-) Have a great weekend xx

  7. LOL!!~ I love it!

    Hey, I'm having a GIVEAWAY over at my blog for a signed copy of CITY QUILTS!!!!

  8. What a great funny story, love it. Thanks for making me smile. It is always fun to hide purchases from the Mr....... LOL did that today bought an outfit at Jones NY. What fun.

  9. I would have put my nesquick on ice cream. Yogurt's way too healthy for my slack Thursday. Glad you had fun with your Sis and that she is warm now.

  10. So glad your sister is finally there, how much fun are you two going to have??
    Now I'm really worried that when I go to Melbourne I am going to freeze. I might have to go on a shopping spree myself.

    Must see photos of purchases.

    Nesquick and yogurt, yummm. I'm with The Chicken though, and would have had it with ice cream.

  11. You have outdone yourself....both with the slack tea and the shopping .....I am liking the sound of the grey wool coat....the thing about being single is you don't have to answer to anyone (and I am sure you don't really have to hide stuff!) about what you buy....the downside is because there is only one income you can't buy stuff anyway...!! I don't miss him as much as the extra income he generated....and I do miss the dog!

  12. I am proud of you, thats a true slack tea.
    Great to her your sister arrived safe and sound. What fun shopping you had.
    hugs Deb

  13. YAY for SOPs arrival - have fun!! No comment on the chocolate yogurt stuff, although you do crack me up so much!!! Love it!

  14. Oh it looks yucky, but like poutine here in Canada it must taste better than it looks....I'm maybe gonna try it but my sweetie first!

  15. Oh how I'd love to have my sister closer. She's 3000 miles away. There was a quilter here who used to keep her stash in the trunk of her car so her husband wouldn't know how much fabric she bought. One day her car was stolen. When the police recovered it they came to the house and when her husband answered the door they assured him that the car was fine and all of the fabric was still in the trunk too... oops.

  16. Maybe I could learn to like yogurt if I put lots of Nesquick in it.

  17. This one I will have to try. This is freaking brilliant!


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