Sunday, May 30, 2010

Let's Have A Snowball Night!

Karen over at Sew Many Ways is hosting a quilt-along to make a snowball quilt. The idea is to pick a night and make snowball blocks. Monday's are my check in day so I can share my progress with the group, so here is my wrap up of Week 1-Snowball Night.

This week I ruminated on fabric choice (for three days ) Changed my mind three times. Left fabric stacks  laying all over the house where I could see them  in a vain attempt to make a decision. Made the decision. Cut about 130 x 2 inch  contrast squares, in case I made a mistake or two. Patted myself on the back for getting them all done. Realised (duh!) I actually need four for each square, which is 480 squares not 120. I failed maths at school. Unfortunately I did not fail smoking in the toilets and I'm still REALLY good at it.

I'm using 3 x  Moda Hushabye Charm Packs and a latte homespun for contrast.

And here is my little pile of blocks for my first Monday - 15  down, 105 to go. Unless I decide to go for the fourth charm pack...

And I realised my little triangle doodads that I cut off are wayyyyyy too small to do anything with. And that I'm probably going to have to buy a 4th charm pack to have a decent sized quilt.
But so far I'm having fun! I wonder what everyone else has been getting up to?

You can check out Karen's latest snowball post here.


  1. Oooh I like your fabric choice Mrs P. Very pretty. I think I have finally decided which fabric I am going to use. I procrastinate more than you do! I am going to try and make some in the next couple of nights. Hopefully!!!

  2. Ohhhhhh! That fabric is AWESOME! Moda totally rocks and I love what you chose for your corners. That is going to be so pretty.

  3. That Hushabye fabric is so pretty against that latte color. Your quilt is going to be fabulous.

  4. Another charm pack of course means that little square total has just moved up to 600!!

    Looks like you'll be making snow balls all winter - Enjoy - they are gorgeous.


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