Thursday, April 22, 2010

Slack Tea Thursday

I had a whole post prepared about why I chose this as dinner tonight...and in my usual fashion, it explained things in as much descriptive detail as I could muster.

And then I realised all you really need to know is:

Crap day at work...really crap. And I can't talk about it without sounding like a petulant brat so I won't. I think I've done enough petulant today in direct response to the crap-ness.  

Don't judge me ....


  1. It's 8:45 in the morning here, and I could sure use this for BREAKFAST! Soooo, I won't judge you, and just may steal this idea for lunch or dinner! ;)

  2. A Southern Comfort drinker in Australia? Wow...That's like THE drink of the south here, if you can afford it. I might need to sneak a bottle in to the hog maw dinner. That should help. Hope it helped you!

  3. Some days are like that. Sorry you had a rough one!

  4. Boy howdy, that really must have been a bad day. Hope today is better.

  5. Judge? When I have been known, on more than one occasion to work through my crap days at work with a 7 & 7 or two?

    Hope you are able to relax and let go soon.

  6. and look, at least it occured on your Slack Tea Thursday so you don't have to make little P and Mr. P have hte same dinner!

  7. oh, and one more thing. At least you measure your booze. I don't bother with such time wasters! -wink-

  8. I love that idea for slack tea Thursday, and yes, I agree with Ms Sarcastic Quilter, the timing was great. If it was me it would have been Jack Daniels, though. Can't drink Southern Comfort anymore, long story involving Thailand, and Mekong, many many years ago!!!

  9. But what is your head like the next morning. I annoy everyone with my lack of hangovers. I don't indulge heavily much anymore, but even after a proper session it doesn't happen!
    Smug, moi??

  10. I don't get hung over if I drink Southern Comfort. Plus I didn't drink that much anyway because I had a 9 am appointment this morning for work in a noisy place.

    lol, I measure because I can't count past three...

  11. Liquid dinner is always good in my book!


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