Saturday, March 06, 2010

Some Days are Diamonds

Miss Pyjamas and I went to a few  garage sales and op shops  this morning. Little Pyjamas benefited from our excursion. We came away with a set of baby lego ,  a kid tool set which was still in the box, and a red enamel pull along cart for $10.00.

I got two more baskets for my sewing room. (Already in use - I don't muck around-it's the quick and the dead here)

And I got these three books for the bargain price of $254.00 (Yes thats right - this is not a typo )Let me say it again because I like the sound of it so much. These books cost me $254.00. The books themselves were $4.00. The  $250.00 is the excess I will have to pay to my insurance company to  get my car fixed because someone reversed into the front of my car while I was  innocently reading books inside the op shop. 

I went immediately to Spotlight and bought 14 metres of fabric. Some peeps drink, some smoke crack ,  I buy material. It's cheaper and more socially acceptable.   I feel  much better now. Share the joy with me .

On the way home from Spotlight  the power train light in the car  came on again.  The power train has now cost us over $600.00, and has had 4 visits to the mechanics and it still hasn't been fixed -  I've given up. I'm buying one of these to get around. 

I'm off to lock myself in the sewing room. Mr. Pyjamas knows I'm not allowed out until I finish something....I might not be posting again until April.

Some Days are Diamonds..but today was more a ruby day for me.


  1. That little wagon is super cute!

  2. I know Jodie. I saw it and pushed twelve little old ladies out of the way to get to it.

    kidding -it was actually only ten old ladies.

  3. Oh, Miz P! I feel your pain! Did the person who hit you leave? Grrrr!

    For us, it was a call from Benjo saying he had hit a pothole. It must have been the mother of all potholes, because it cost us $600 to replace 2 tires, bent wheels, and a hub cap. My insurance company said it would be considered a "collision" if we reported it,and we have a $500 deductible. And of course if we actually USE our insurance, we could get dropped as a bad risk. Some days you get the bear, some days the bear gets you. The bear got us both!

  4. va, no she didn't leave the scene because she didn't even realise she had done it.

    The bumper bar will need to be replaced, or fully re-painted so we're probably talking at least a thousand dollars worth of damage. I'll have to add "get quotes for insurance company" to my list of things to do this week. I'm mildly annoyed but there isnt any point in being cranky about it .

    We've only had the car about 16 months. Mr. P was more annoyed than I was which is unusual.

  5. Great bargains!! I really can't wait till all the snow's gone so we can start that "season" of thriftiness again, Miss B is getting addicted too! =) She was actually looking with me and said "wow, it would be nice to have flooring like that!" =)


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