Thursday, January 07, 2010

UFO/ WIP Challenge

Becky over at  The Sarcastic Quilter has a UFO challenge going for 2010, which I've decided to be a  part of. Wander on over and have a squizz and feel free to join us.

I don't have a lot of UFO's but the few I do have are weighing heavily on my conscience. I hate not finishing things.

Consequently I've put the wretched vintage sheet quilt top back on my WIP list since both Vivian and Suzanne were nice enough to leave me suggestions about what I might be able to do with it. Thanks ladies! Your comments helped me see that the quilt top didn't need  to be consigned to the rag bag  after all. I'll have to spend some time thinking about it before I attempt to do something new with it. I need a success before I'm ready to challenge myself again.

Speaking of vintage sheet quilts my Mum sent me pictures of the one she has just finished. I think it looks so pretty. That's how sweet mine was supposed to look! My Mum is a really talented quilter and probably the person who set me on my own quilting path.


  1. Oooo, that's pretty! I need to dig into WIP's too, more space for new fabric... =)

  2. Hi Lisa!
    I tidied up my sewing room yesterday and have enough fabric to build a new great wall for China should anything happen to the old one.

    I'm still obsessed with buying some of the Jenean Morrison California Dreamin' collection though. Cant get it out of my head!


Thanks for taking the time to leave some comment love. Drop by and visit again sometime.