Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lazy Sunday (not)

I spent today quilting the vintage sheet quilt. It's done! Now that it's quilted I'm far happier than I was yesterday. It's actually quite sweet.  I just have the binding to do and it's finished . Once it's  done, I'll post some pics. I'm planning to hand stitch this binding on just for the experience, so give me a week or so.

I was  bitten by a baking bug the last 24 hours. I made gingerbread cupcakes, chocolate crackles, a chocolate slice, roast beef for dinner tonight and I roasted capiscum, onion, potato , zucchini, pumpkin and parsnip for tomorrow nights Meatless Monday dish.

It's 9.15 pm and I'm still in my least I won't have to change to go to bed. I'm looking forward to collapsing into bed in an hour or so and reading a book.


  1. Hellom, I wandered over here from a comment you left on Coloradolady. I love the quilt in your header! I've been wanting to make a sheet quilt. When you get yours done, hook up the post to my "Finished for Friday" so we can all celebrate with you.

  2. Thanks for visitng threeundertwo. The quilt in my header was my daughter's Christmas present last year. I kinda like it a lot myself.

    My vintage sheet quilt has had several lives, and is finally waiting to have binding attached. I'll make sure I head on over to Finished for Friday when it's done. Thanks for the invitation!


Thanks for taking the time to leave some comment love. Drop by and visit again sometime.