Saturday, December 12, 2009

My Darling Husband Saves the Day

I dont talk about Mr. Pyjamas  a lot in blogland. He's a shy guy and would prefer I didn't. But today he's done something so kind and considerate that he deserves his own blog post and I wanted the chance to trumpet his wonderful-ness for a change.

I'm up to my eye balls trying to finish a quilt for a Christmas present for my friend, Sandra. With everything else thats been going on round here it's been a slight challenge. Too many WIP's , family drama, long working hours, and babysitting on top of everything else.  I vowed yesterday it would be finished this weekend because I still have a lot of other things to do before Christmas and I want to be free to concentrate on just those things.

Quilt top is together and all seams are pressed ( I cannot tell you how much I hate pressing seams) Backing has been pressed and I'm onto the 100% wool batting I'm planning to use when bingo the iron craps itself, shuts off all the power in the house and it's 40 minutes till the shops shut for 18 hours.....and I'm still in my pyjamas.

Just as an aside here can you truthfully say you've never spent the day in your pyjamas quilting- seriously I should have called this blog "Quilting in My Pyjamas"

DH to the rescue. He drops what he's doing (which is paving and cutting pavers ) and races off to the shops to buy me a  new iron ....he's back within 30 minutes with the right sort of iron and my batting is now pressed. He's gone back to paving.

My husband does things like that ALL the time. Yes I'm bragging. It's just that over the years I've just gotten used to how wonderful he is, and how almost everything he does is to make sure I'm happy and stress free. And that's why I married him. It was such a contrast from my first marriage.

OK, I'm going to lay this quilt out now in preparation for quilting. Just wanted EVERYONE to know how awesome my husband is.

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