Tuesday, December 29, 2009

De-cluttering Tuesday

Every year in late December and early January I go through our house and de-clutter. I started early this year and have managed to get our bedroom, loungeroom, bathroom computer room and dining room done so far. Anything we haven't used for the last year gets tossed, donated, freecycled or re-homed somehow. Sometimes I throw stuff on ebay as well.

I love the process. I feel great about giving things away I don't use anymore. I also take stock of some of the things we have and decide whether we need new stuff. When it's all done I feel so much more organised.

I always find the kitchen the hardest. This year is harder than previous years. We need new stuff but with the kitchen being renovated mid 2010 I want pretty new things then not now. However I caved in today and bought a new dinner set because we have been using pieces of  two mismatched dinner sets for months and it's annoying me daily. It's a safe bet that it's time to buy new when even your husband complains about the state of your every day dinner set.  Ditto your drinking glasses. I realised today the last time we bought new drinking glasses was about six years ago. I'm a make do kind of gal.

I'm about 3/4 of the way through the kitchen and feeling groovy. My grooviness comes from knowing that this kitchen will be gone in 6 months and I will never have to clean these ugly old cupboards again!

Happy Tuesday!

Update: From the kitchen cupboard cleanout I tossed two manky aluminium saucepans, a mini chopper that wasn't working properly and it's box which has been taking up mountains of space and an old cane hold all.All our old glassware and dinner set bits went to DD and I'm giving away a second stick mixer on freecycle. I'm amazed we dont have more junk in the kitchen. I must have done an awesome job of culling last year and bought very little since.    

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