Monday, December 02, 2013

Out With The Old & In With The New

The last week has been all about changes at Maison Pyjamas. Improvements have been needed for some time and it appears I've decided to tackle them all at once. I started with myself. 

This was me at our Not The Farmer's Wife Get Together last week at Lozs' place. (pic stolen from Loz's blog!) 

I've been thinking about a drastic hair change for a few months. A mohawk seemed too extreme. I've done purple and pink hair before, and its sooooo 2009. The only thing that was left was to go longer. So all of you who go to the bother of growing your hair for months or even years are doing it wrong cos it only took me two hours to "grow" mine.    

This was my sewing machine last week 

In with the new- I've had this home since Saturday and so far it's beeped angrily and told me off about 587 times. 

I really have to work out what all those buttons do. I'm currently shit scared to touch them because I don't know which one works the ejector seat. 

More renovations are in process at Maison Pyjamas. This was our linen cupboard last week.

And while technically its not in with the new yet because we have a gaping hole there - the new built ins are being custom made ready to be installed in a couple of weeks. And the hole is new... 

The great sewing room clean out continues and I'm being ruthless.....For the first time ever I binned a WIP . The recycled shirt blocks have gone to the great quilt graveyard in the sky. And I'm not sure what I was thinking when I bought this fabric - because it really isn't me. It's time to own that this one isn't getting finished either.

My last foray into pastels ended in disaster too.  If you think you'd like to finish it (or pull it apart and make something new from those huge pinwheels) let me know and I'll send it to you. The fabric range is Paris Flea Market and there's a layer cake worth of pinwheels waiting for someone to love them. 


  1. Love the hair! And I would absolutely adore your paris flea market pinwheels, I missed getting any of this range and just love it!

  2. You'll love the 440QE once you get used to it. Keep your manual close by - it really does help!

  3. I had a suspicion that you were going to purchase a Bernina. Nearly everyone I know owns one! I, on the other hand, pine for a Janome Horizon. If I could just win the damned lottery... :)

  4. A change is as good as a holiday they say (clearly 'they' have no idea how good a holiday is but it can't be all bad). I'm a bit wary of buying a new machine as I can make my old Janome do whatever I want it to do as it doesn't have any electronics. Not sure I could be so domineering with a new modern machine! Persevere, you'll soon show it who's boss!

  5. Sometimes it is good to mix it up! Love your new 'do! And your new machine! It is beautiful! Your new built-in shelving area is going to be marvelous if I know you! Hooray for change!

    xo -E

  6. Ooh a new toy, have fun getting to know your way around it. Hope the beeping can be switched off!
    Summer may not be the right time for long hair? Enjoy your new locks.

  7. Your new 'do is fabulous! Love it!
    Hooray for the clean-outs and changes. Always feel good to have a fresh start.

    Holy frijoles, Shay! I'd have sent you my 440 if I'd known you were looking at one, although I have the embroidery attachment not the QE edition. Aurora and I do not gee-haw one bit. She talks back too much. Here's hoping you have better luck with yours. Berninas are great machines, but I feel you need a lot of training in order to stitch. That's what I find most frustrating. I just want to sew! LOL

    Can't wait to see what you stitch up on Aurora! Happy Monday! :)

  8. *Bows head over news of the recycled shirt quilt's demise.*

    Shay, Shay, know how I like to rescue and recycle. You could've sent me those blocks. If I lived closer, I might come over and shake a finger in person. Then we'd have drinks, and after a few you could tell me it's all my fault so shut up already. ;)

    I like your hair short or long. Are you going to try some of those cute dos you've been pinning? I've been thinking of going shorter myself, but there's that whole six months of winter thing on right now here, among other issues.

  9. And I almost forgot...a Bernina! I'm sure you'll have it all worked out in no time. Meanwhile, I'll try not to hate you too much. ;)

  10. You look like a celebrity!!!!!

    Can't wait to see the new closet - enjoy your new toy:)

  11. Ejector seat! *snort* Looks like a whole lotta fun :)

    Long hair is good on you!

    Can't wait to see the new cabinets!

  12. Hi Shay, congrats on your machine purchase. I've had mine for about 4 years and it's brilliant! You will love it.

  13. Yay that's fantastic that you finally have a new machine. I know you will figure it out very quickly and you'll be humming along and ready to quilt all my quilts for me very soon!
    I still can't believe you went long for summer, I'm looking forward to seeing all your new up dos, after seeing seventy squillion pins you pinned on Pinterest.

  14. Yay that's fantastic that you finally have a new machine. I know you will figure it out very quickly and you'll be humming along and ready to quilt all my quilts for me very soon!
    I still can't believe you went long for summer, I'm looking forward to seeing all your new up dos, after seeing seventy squillion pins you pinned on Pinterest.

  15. Yay that's fantastic that you finally have a new machine. I know you will figure it out very quickly and you'll be humming along and ready to quilt all my quilts for me very soon!
    I still can't believe you went long for summer, I'm looking forward to seeing all your new up dos, after seeing seventy squillion pins you pinned on Pinterest.

  16. Nice hair do! I love my Bernina, 14 years old and still as good as the day it came to live with me. Thank you for the kind offer, but I have more than enough UFOs of my own making.....

  17. Love your hair. Kudos to you for tackling all those changes. I am sure it won't be long until you have wrangled that new Beastie to bend to your will. I am in awe you actually got to turn it on...fraidy cat here on anything remotely technical lol

  18. I grow my hair and then spend the whole time with it in a pony tail. Why do I bother?! Yay for you for taking the plunge though. Enjoy it. At least you can get hysterical and rip your hair out and not have it hurt (can't you?).

    And the machine! Woohoo! That's what I have too. Swears at me ALL the time. I swear back. It's a healthy relationship and I love it to death. Sews beautifully and the BSR lets me do stuff that my normal coordination would never allow.

  19. Love the new look .... and the new Bernina --- you will love it ... and yes, keep the manual handy and DON'T SEW OVER ANY PINS...

    purging is good!

  20. Long hair is great! I like being able to change up styles. Clapping for the new machine--did it come with classes? Wish I had a big linen cupboard. Can't wait to see the new custom made one. Projects that don't inspire deserve the bin or to be moved on. I've definitely done that!

  21. Hey Rapunzal , You look awesome, very glamourous! And a new sewing machine too, nice one!! Is the linen cupboard really a stash copboard :) . Did you really throw away the mens shirt blocks?!?

  22. My old Singer from the 50s didn't come with an ejector seat... Gotta see if I can get an attachment (or App) for that.

    Love your blog, Girl. I get the best giggles here!

  23. Had I but known I could have sent you a hair donation, albeit a frizzy one ;o)

    Anyway, glad to see you've not just been sitting around on your arse drinking cocktails this week...

  24. I have been trying to find a beginner baby quilt pattern. Anyone know where I can find one? Thank you.

  25. I love your new life. All of it. I like it so much I think I'm jealous. I am trying a new life here, but it's more sort of hicksville and less glamorous than yours. Well done!

  26. While everybody else is drooling over your new hairstyle and the wonderful new sewing machine I would love to say yes to the pin wheel blocks. That is, if they have not gone already and also if you don't mind sending to new Zealand. Of course, you realise Linda and I don't have much of a stash and we can't resist give aways like this.

  27. Wow a new do, new cupboards and a new don't muck around by halves do you!
    I have one of those Bernina's, so might be able to help there...but I fully recommend classes if you can get in, in the meantime yell if you need to...I wont hear you, but you will feel better and will not result in loss of nice new hair!!! If that fails cocktails are a safe bet ;)
    PS can I ask what the linen press did to offend?

  28. Wonderful to get a new machine! Very exciting. Great do too--just in time for the holidays.:)

  29. Lucky you...a new sewing machine is like a new life! And you´r new hai Looks great! Maybe I should try Long hair!?

  30. Your extensions, oops new hairdo looks great Shay. Your getting a headstart on the new year, out with old, in with the new. Go girl. Sharyn:)

  31. Love the new hair! I've taken years to grow mine again. Course it normally just curls up! Wow a new machine. I keep asking my husband for a new Pfaff, but I get turned down. That is until I said he could get new golf sticks...cost is about the same. We'll see what Santa brings.

  32. I have that Bernina too; bought it for the BSR and haven't looked back. Before I could only do straight line quilting with my walking foot but now I can actually stipple! Yay! Mine rarely beeps at me but I don't use many of the fancy buttons. Just keep your manual handy to refer to. :)

  33. Love the hair! Sweet new machine too - good luck with the beepy-buttons, etc. Love seeing the new house projects too!


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