Sunday, November 27, 2011

Lazy Weekend (Honestly!)

After the torture that was Friday (5 and a half hours of Christmas shopping during which I bought three whole presents, although spending time with Miss P and Little P totally rocked ) I treated myself to a very laid back rest of the weekend.  Occasionally I forget I am a classic over achiever and let my ADD take a back seat to doing nothing. 

Yesterday I managed drag my sorry behind out of my pyjamas at 4.40pm and that was only because I had to go grocery shopping.  Let me tell you when you have 20 minutes before the shops shut it's amazing how fast you can chuck random shit that looks like food in a trolley.

I had a lovely lazy Sunday today stitching and gossiping with Loz and her sister, Marilyn,(you need to get a blog Marilyn) Val and Claire at my house. It was the best way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Thank you ladies for gracing me with your wonderful company. And thank you Ms. Loz for my hostess gift. I'm sitting here stuffing my face with rum and raisin clusters as I type (and the little decoration was so cute !) 

I threw some vittels on a plate and we all helped ourselves because I'm a lazy hostess. (honestly it was this or a Kentucky Fried bucket !)

I made an apple galette( as recommended by Kirsten) and it was easy and delicious and I even made the pastry from scratch . That's two baking type successes  in one week without a stuff up . Pinch me! You really have to try this recipe.

This is Claire modelling an upcoming group project. A bunch of us have decided to do a Farmer's Wife Quiltalong next year. I'm equal parts excited and wanna throw up. Hopefully I won't be the quiltalong dunce ( or get stuck in the naughty corner again)  

For all my blathering about promising to do some quilting on lurking and neglected quilts this weekend (like that was going to happen for real?) , I started and finished a Christmas table topper/runner this weekend. 

I'm especially loving that binding.

In the end , I did drag the blue and brown quilt out and stared at it for a while as if I could telepathically make it quilt itself. 

It's still sitting on the floor of the sewing room but if I just think hard enough I'm pretty sure I can bend it to my will. 


  1. Love the table runner, it's very cute! If quilts would only quilt themselves, I would be a happy woman......

  2. When you have learned the bending to will thing I am coming over for lessons so that I can apply the concept to my children!

  3. Love the pinwheels!! They are my fav. And I am going to have to try making that apple dessert. Looks to yummy to pass up! :o)

  4. Love the table runner.

    If you get the "bend to my mind" thing to work, will you teach me? That would be such an awesome skill.

  5. Your pinwheels are perfect! Love the table runner. I'm all for lessons on 'bending to my will'. Let me know when you've acheived that. ☺ Your laziness is full of successes! Happy Sunday night. ☺

  6. A complete start and finish in one weekend? I'm super impressed! And let me know how that "bending the quilt to your will" thing works out, won't ya? There's nothing wrong with taking it easy - that's me this weekend on is basketball road trip. Just tell me where to be and when, and I'll be there. Otherwise, I've gotten some stitching done, and nearly finished a book!

  7. What a fun weekend (well, all except for the grocery shopping, which is not my favorite)!

    That Christmas table runner is so festive.

    I've got two tops that need quilting, and yup, they're folded up in a corner. I don't even have them out trying to bend them to my will. So good for you for at least getting yours out and looking at it.

  8. I've tried that will thing...if it works for you, let me know! Sometimes, a project needs a good stare down, I'll tell ya.Swee-eet table runner, and it's on the finished list, the best kind! I also smile at striped bindings, they are so fun, like a ribbon candy edge ~

  9. Let me know how the staring works. I tend to put them out of sight and I know that doesn't. I need a new technique.

    Oh, the lovely that is your pinwheel Christmas table runner! I adore it.

    The Farmer's Wife, eh? I totally get your ambivalence. I've watched people make those blocks this past year with both fascination and anxiety at the thought. Good luck!

    Apple galette! Anything that sounds French and sorta rhymes with my name must be good. :)

  10. Seriously loving your table runner - so totally Christmassy....

    And you've started your Christmas shopping, WTG! 3 is better than 0.

  11. It kinda blows my mind that supermarkets in Adelaide close at 5... I work at a supermarket and sometimes I don't even START till after 5. And that's on Saturdays too.

    Stripey binding is the bomb. When in doubt, go with a stripe.

  12. Glad you had a relaxing weekend and that table runner looks geourgous. But you HAVE to quilt that beautiful brown and green quilt - it is so pretty!!!

  13. The table runner is darling! You are so brave to do that Farmer's Wife quilt - looks hard (and gorgeous). Here's hoping your quilt quilts itself while you're napping!

  14. No Christmas shopping for me this weekend--couldn't face the ridiculous crowds. Glad you got some Miss and Little time :)

    Sewing eating laughing with friends, that's a great Sunday.

    Love the Christmas tablerunner! Just now I am paralyzed by the wedding quilt and the four or six other quilts waiting to be quilted. It is the hardest part...but I believe in your powers to make your quilt do your will, Super Aussie Chick!

  15. That sounds like a well balanced weekend. A bit of relaxing, a bit of sewing and catching up with friends. I'm so tempted by the farmers wife quilt. Lovely pinnie table runner!

  16. I'm back, righteo, that's it, i cant resist anymore- I'm going to buy the Farmers Wife book! I might only make a few blocks but it's better to have a go at something than forever wonder what could have been. I think that's from a movie.

  17. Shopping. eating, sewing, spending time with friends, sounds like a great weekend.
    I'll sign up for bending to my will classes too, it you can get it to work.
    The apple galette looks awesome and yay for you making your own pastry from scratch!

  18. Your "lazy weekend" makes me look catatonic. Just sayin'. I especially love that table runner! BTW, Mrs. P, maybee you can help me with something, or maybe one of your readers can. I'm looking for a fun Christmas present that littleb can make for his teachers (with my help). I thought a fabric project would be great because he'll have fun picking out the fabric and the sewing machine qualifies as machinery in his five-year-old mind, so he'll love that, too. The only problem is I haven't sewn in years and my machine is just a basic everyday singer with no fancy gadgety things, so it has to be simple. But cute. Any ideas? You can email me at

  19. Sounds like a good weekend. Had stitching with friends yesterday. I made 1/2 finished 2 teachers gifts and am a quarter through the 3rd. Planned on finishing all 3 yesterday didn't happen. Squid managed 1/2 a hamster from one of the issues of Molly Makes (the reason why 3 teachers gifts didn't get finished). Stitching with friends is the best. Good luck with Farmers wife I am sure you will be fine with a little help from your friends.

  20. So, you're a Uri Geller kind of quilter, huh? Good luck with that!

    Glad you guys had such a good time yesterday. (And so sad I wasn't there!) Your table runner is gorgeous, and stripey binding is DA BOMB!

    I'm impressed with your Christmas shopping trip. I'm still trying to pretend that Christmas is somewhere in the distance. (Hey! It's technically still November for a couple of days. Just let me be in my blinkered world!)

  21. Sounds like a nice weekend to me. Your boundless energy amazes me. It was soooo hot here yesterday that when we came home from a family 21st all we could do was drop onto our recliners and wait for the aircon to cool the house down.
    Glad you tried the apple galette. I has earmarked it for a trial soon too.
    Have a good week.
    PS. Love the Chrissy table runner. You did it in a day?!!!!!

  22. It's Monday morning now , has that quilt quilted itself yet ?

  23. Perfect weekend by the looks of it - yummy food, good company and lots of accomplishments in the kitchen and the sewing room.
    Enjoy your week.

  24. Looks like you had a lovely weekend and I love the cooking....
    Brilliant from scratch, I hate making pastry from scratch. Something anal about getting my hands dirty?? ;-)

  25. Such a cute table topper! LOVE it and you're right about the binding. It is awesome.

    That apple galette looks amazing!

    Glad you have a lovely, lazy weekend, which ended with quilting and gossip. Doesn't get much better than that!

    xo -E

  26. You made the apple dessert! YUM. That recipe did look awesome! I love the Christmas table runner.

    I laughed out loud about your 20 minute trip to the store :) I wonder what you came home with!?

    How do you keep all of your amazing projects straight!!!??? All of that beautiful fabric, all of the patterns!? You really do make the most of your time, girl. Amazing stuff.

  27. Love the binding, it looks like a candy cane.

    So glad you liked the galette....and more than that, I am so glad you had a fun and relaxing weekend!!

  28. Wow your lunch looks delicious! That would have to beat KFC any day! Those Farmers Wives Quilts are amazing , i will be eagerly watching your progress! Love the table runner too - Gorgeous!



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