Friday, November 05, 2010

Dear Fabulous Followers

I am by nature a curious and nosy person and when you visit my blog or start to follow me  I naturally want to have a look at your blog. I love finding new blogs and it makes sense to me that if you like what you see here enough to follow me , I'd probably be interested in what you have to say in your corner of the blogisphere.

Whenever a new follower pops up , I go to their little picture on my followers page. If your name is in blue I click on it and it takes me straight to your profile which in turn lets me find your blog. If your name is in black I can click till I'm purple in the face but because it's not linked to your profile  I  can't see a darn thing and there's no way for me to find your patch of cyberspace, which is disappointing.

So if you've followed me at some stage and I haven't paid you a visit , that's probably why. Not because I'm a stuck up princess,   but because basically I don't have your address and you're not in the phone book. I guess I could google you and keep my fingers crossed I get the right person , but that seems kind of stalker-ish. And that would only work if you had your blog name listed and not your actual name because I suspect if I googled "Sue" or "Karen" google would chuck about a billion links at me.

If you comment that'll lead me to your profile too which gives me another way to mosy on over and take a peek at your fabulousness. But if you don't comment I still can't find you. Some of you are shy and don't comment. That's cool. I'm not a comment collector.  It just minimises ways for me to track you down is all.

So I'm asking for a teensy tiny  favour.

Can all the wonderful people who subscribe to my blog check to see if your profile is linked to your followers widget so I can come and pay you a visit. It's easy.

1) Got to your Dashboard
2) Find Blogs I'm Following
3) Scroll down to Manage and click
4) This will bring up a list of blogs you follow. I'll be there.
5) Go to settings next to my name in your blog list and click
6) See where it says "already have a profile on the web " Click it. Choose which 
    profile you want to use. 
7) Click close and I'll be able to see you next time I check my followers list.

It'd just be lovely to be able to to pay you a visit sometime.  


  1. Well I'm very glad you have found me ,I love your visits at my place you always make me smile , thanks .

  2. Oh, that was just too confusing for me this early!

    So here you are, I follow you.



  3. okay, I did as you asked. I love your blog and I would love for you to visit mine.


Thanks for taking the time to leave some comment love. Drop by and visit again sometime.